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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Si-man

    Happy Birthday.

    Wish I could go from 21 to 18, Hate being old . Happy Birthday mate.
  2. Hahaha! Never tried bathing my cat yet, can imagine I'd need Armour though
  3. Ipod. Phones are like Swiss army knives with all their gadgetry these days.
  4. Ta Kris http://the-bot-horst.mybrute.com Feck. Look at his stats LOL.
  5. Go to a local college etc, they will put you in the right direction and get the ball rolling. Be aware though, apprentices are getting made redundant left right and center all over the country.
  6. Just did, said pending
  7. Sign me up. si-man87
  8. Si-man

    Tf Kart Day

    3 sisters track, Warrington. Supposed to be amazing.
  9. Not seen them, but they are never going to be as good as the old ones "Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast" Love it
  10. Si-man


    Been jobless now for nearly 4 months. Is utter shite and the most depressing thing on earth. I have sold literally everything I own just to stay alive. I'm a qualified engineer aswell and still cant get jobs.
  11. I've seen a Brazilian fart fetish video, was rather weird. Didn't know you could eat a fart...
  12. Si-man

    New Tattoos

    Bet that wrist one felt nice.. Looks good though
  13. Even got this going on another forum now LOL. Games spreading well fast.
  14. I want a whip. Some guy battered me with one today, i literally got 2 hits in. Anyone getting close to level 10 yet?
  15. I kept having that, use the old msn 7 as the new one is shit. Reconnect a few times and then it works with me. Does it not direct you to a page with possible problems on?
  16. I love space stuff. Brain works on overdrive though trying to comprehend it all.
  17. She may do that even if you dont go thorpe park Where do you live?
  18. I made a new character and havnt lost one fight yet. Managed to get some decent powers aswell unlike one of the other characters i have that is useless and hasnt even won a fight yet lol
  19. She would have nailed you proper if she got you with the bat though. I hate fighting people with the grey wolf, those things are lethal!
  20. COD 4 is so much better though.
  21. http://bigmandave23.mybrute.com My latest character. Hes hard as f**k when he does his super speed thing with a weapon
  22. Its annoying only having 3 fights a day. Mine wastes them as its so shit.
  23. The new TF craze, like cameras.
  24. LMAO, just watched your last fight, it does like 908398 damage
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