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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Dont buy them, they are rubbish. You want Heavy grips They actually work and come in different strengths. Used to have the 100, 150 and 200lb ones. 200 was a challenge
  2. I am in love. Ive listened to it about 5 times today now Love the starting track, love it all
  3. haahaha, that is quality. Mine was fun, she practically wanked me off infront of Jay and his gf, then got down and dirty on his bed haha. I pushed a little bit tooo hard (14 1/2 stone of pure beef) and hurt her. Went on for about 30 mins but had to stop as I hurt her. Apprently her ex's werent as girthy lol.
  4. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiint!! It has gone on the ipod to be rinsed tomorrow at college Good selection of tracks
  5. Downloading now, looking forward to some hardstyle, love it at the moment.
  6. Si-man


    Used to work with a 70 year old Yorkshire man who was a carpenter, never used to spend anything, had shed loads of money.
  7. Si-man


    Ahh. Tighter than a Jews wallet you folk
  8. Si-man


    Go and buy it you cheap skate.
  9. Wow, didn't realize they employed marvel characters to be on the show.
  10. Si-man


    I didnt vote, not got a clue what half of them are. Went to a bike meet instead.
  11. They are f**king minging. Id rather be eaten by a lion than go near them. Hannah, your evil Where I worked, we had boxes full of mouse mats. One day I opened one to be greeted by this mouse mat of a shit scary huge spider. Weren't nice
  12. We get wolf spiders yes. Not them big huntsman ones though, they look like they could eat a small dog.
  13. I'm scared of nothing bar spiders LOL. I'm like the guy in that video.
  14. We used to get them MASSIVE spiders all the time. They literally scare the shit out of me, my heart goes mental and I either kill the little blighters or run off LOL. They are like olympic sprinters aswell, turn round and its gone, they so know your about to kick its face in with something.
  15. Cellotape it to the wall, at least he knows where it is then.
  16. Car drivers who pull out and keep looking in the opposite direction that you are coming from. Women did it to my mate tonight, he slammed his bandit into the rear quarter totaling his bike and doing a flip over the roof. She even admitted to not looking and didnt know he was there till he hit her.
  17. Adhesive spray is better for making flame throwers. Can also spray them, then set fire to them with the stuff.
  18. People who step out into the road when there is a crossing about 10 feet away. Old people who just step out in the road, looking straight ahead without a care in the world. (I think that's the attempted suicide one though)
  19. Si-man


    Used to have one of them where i used to work haha. Pretty good actually
  20. So technically you did steal it then, off your mate.
  21. What about Long nose mole grips?
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