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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. 'tis a good song that (Y) Kaiser Cheifs are mint though
  2. Hmm, you must be adjusting your TPA WAAAY too much Had loads of maguras now, and never broke a TPA, ever!! Have got 2 spares though incase I do (Y)
  3. Si-man

    Good Films

    Naahhh All recent films are poo Can't beat oldies Didnt read the topic i admit, but still, nice list of films to choose from when your sat watching batman an think "this is shit, what else can i watch?"
  4. Si-man

    Good Films

    American history X Saving private Ryan 28 days later (scared shit outta me for some reason) trainspotting Football factory Italian Job :blink: Kellys heros (classic film) I though saw was shite whoever asked that question. Didn't really apeal to me
  5. oh my god that video is sick!! Didn't realise you were that good Cheers to janson for using a better host for vid :blink:
  6. Just read all that and it made me lol literally :closedeyes: :angry: i can believe all that about cap though, hes mad! "nice shoes, fancy a f**k" lmao Only you could do that wayne Like the otherday in bpool when we were chattin to that girl on prom and she asked how old u were so u gave her ur mobile number (N) :P
  7. Si-man

    Good Films

    Muffy the vampire slayer :closedeyes:"
  8. Sin it before lol Island style is a quality film. He just came up to short that all
  9. That was hilarious :closedeyes: :angry: i want 1
  10. Si-man

    Random Lass

    True, did take me a while to read what they put, but still, its funny reading how shit he is at getting ladies (im no better though)
  11. Just got back and all I can say is "mint!" Riding was top notch from all riders that arrived, even though its absolutly pissing down lol Hope to actually ride with you next time Ben :closedeyes:
  12. Gay twat bum bandit knob goblers Pork bandits 'omos Rent boys :(" There are LOADS more but can't think of any at moment Will edit when I think up more
  13. Si-man

    Flying Buck

    Whos that in your avatar Dave? Is it matts sister :(
  14. Si-man

    Flying Buck

    My mate jumps off the sea wall by the bandstand across from the tower onto bare sand, and that 21 ft!!! Would love to do it on my bike (when tides in) but i don't like heights lol
  15. Si-man

    I Have...

    If only they were on trials bikes, then they could just hop over the bonnets :P" Is pretty insane to be doing, some of the gaps look quite fun to go through though :P
  16. Last year i got: Maths- B English- CC Science Double- BB Resistant Materials- A (heighest in year :P ) Geography- B Art- C ICT- U :"> (played on internet for 2 years) Statistics- D Some more I think, can't really be arsed looking for the certificate.
  17. I love my profile, would rather have one over a king. Whats the point in spending over £300 for a hub???
  18. Finally got it, an all I can say is :P You are truly a beast stan, you looked so at home on those rocks at start I wanna ride more than ever now, still waiting on stuff from tarty though That bush looked like fun, i thought you'd lost your mate then lol
  19. Would be good if i could understand french :P :P"
  20. Will tell you what its like when I get it in 3 hours. Only getting 6kb/s, that megaupload site is really shite, should have put it on engooglygoogly
  21. Si-man

    Brake Pads

    Plazmatics!!!! Just ordered a new pair the other week. Amazing pads aslong as you set them up right :huh:
  22. Horray for the search feature!!
  23. I wouldn't bother jay, best off doing what you did the other day, sit an take pics. B)" :P
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