They new or something :angry: (Y)
Plazmatics are amazing, get them
My koxx bloxx are performing quite well so I shall be sticking to them till they ware
Why is he??
Would stop them from doing it again :-
Armed police once got called into my school cause my mate was messin bout with a Bb gun an the building opposite the school thought it was a real gun.
He never messed bout with bb guns etc again!
OOO, i remember a girl that got shot in the head in a place by me (rock gardens)
She got shot just above the temple by a high powered air rifle, lucky to be alive today.
Thing is, i saw the man that did it walking throught the park with a guitar bag
Man got shot near me in the head 3 times in a KFC.
Another woman got shot in a petrol station, didnt die though.
People get held up by guns in Blackpool every few months or so
Always been good with me
Ordered a bash guard for my bike aaages ago at 5.30pm.
Turned up next morning at 7.30am (Y) :blink:
Quality service :blink: :blink:
I was pissing myself when he told me that when he 1st moved here :blink:
Should have aimed for the acheles tendon? would have pissed em reet off
Werent as good as when i shot ur window frame, causing the pellet to hit you in the forehead though :blink: :blink:" :blink: