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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Youtube Video -> ">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">
  2. Good paint that actually. If I came back to find my car/ bike sprayed id knock their head off! I hope you know what you are doing.
  3. Shit. Lost my job No money Dole scummer for 6 months Good bits though Got a job making proto exhausts for most of the big car companies Got some sick ranchu/ lionhead goldfish that I can watch for hours Turned 22 Got an advent calendar
  4. Clocked just over 2 days I think. Theres some prestige 6'ers going about apparently.
  5. Nah hes just good and usually places top every match
  6. Might aswell prestige then do it. Brothers 2nd prestige now or something.
  7. Si-man

    Ebay Snipers

    That happened when I sold one of the un dated 20p's. It was at like £80, then in the last minute went up to £230 odd haha.
  8. Good trailer to watch before bed haha. It looks mint, not many films proper scare the shit out of me, if the trailer can, the films gonna make me poo.
  9. One thing my new employer went on about was things I do out of work. Explained about building PC's from scratch, fixing up motorbikes, DIY etc and he was well interested. Was also chuffed with me doing after hours college courses off my own back to gather more experience. One thing he was very please with was the fact that I wasn't nervous, got all my points across and that I wasn't affraid of talking (sounds daft, but most people choke up). Get yourself a decent CV (I went on a course with the Job Centre to learn how to do a good one). Finally, if your going to go asking for jobs, dress smart even when just asking for one. I nearly didn't get this one because I had all my motorbike gear on and jeans and a t shirt, but got a 2nd interview because he liked me.
  10. Just got myself an apprenticeship yesterday after getting made redundant from my last one 12 months ago. Has took the piss really, must have applied for about 10, half of them don't even want to know. Sacrificed pay pretty much just to get back onto the ladder. Also means I don't have to sign on any more so that's made me very happy. I trained for 2 years as a maintenance/ service engineer on Injection moulding machines, but as there's no call for them now, I am having to pretty much start again and now I am going to be a sheet metal/ welder making hand made prototype exhausts for various car and truck companies. Waste of 2 years like but its 2 years worth of experience in industry that the manager was interested in amongst other things. Never fancied welding or machining Joe? Well paid job just takes about 3 years to become skilled.
  11. Not particularly cold mind. Stays around 22/23C most of the time. Cant be too bad as its spawned once already. Albino Corydoras Aeneus
  12. And void his warranty? No need for silly overclocks, bet its quick stock.
  13. Take it you like German cars then...
  14. I saw flags of our fathers, not seen the other yet. Thought it was a bit pants to tell the truth.
  15. No bothering this time. No dedicated servers for the PC so that means cheaters galore as you cant kick etc. Absolute wank, infinity ward buggered it this time. Some people got their PC versions sent a week early, but infinity ward wouldnt let the serials work until the release date. Useless.
  16. The worst status's ever have to be ones where people put lyrics in. f**k OFF. I add most people, dont add like bars and clubs though, would be getting messages every 5 minutes then. Only got a select few on facebook anyway.
  17. Sorry for abusing you, was the wrong person :$ Ill get the lube... haha
  18. Are you actually an idiot? First, getting burnt with fireworks or some shit in the Halloween thread, now this? A quicker way would be to jump off a multi-story car park.
  19. Youtube Video -> Original Video 27ish seconds, f**k! That was a bloody love tap and he nearly ripped his head off!
  20. That's only because he actually followed the black lad home and hatcheted him to death then turned him into a boat and cooking pots Ray Mears style. Always be wary of the quiet ones... haha
  21. Probably getting shafted as we speak.
  22. I was a custom PC subscriber. Cancelled it after 2 years though as the internet is just as good at finding out information.
  23. Started playing BF2: PR mod at about 1, 2 hours goes bloody quick when your killing MEC haha
  24. Si-man


    Remember that from back in the day haha
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