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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Just the same as soapy water ands about £400 more. Is good for cleaning rims though
  2. nail varnish remover migh twork, strong as f**k that stuff. Pure alcohol should also work. White spirits wont work
  3. none of them, Onza's are just the shit (anyone who changes it to shit will be shot) Could always add bmx in there i suppose
  4. http://www.sonystyle.com/is-bin/INTERSHOP....pia%2e%2fEarbud best earphones I have ever bought
  5. f**k me!! quality Imagine the fun you'll have cap once you've bought my mod hehe hurry up an buy her slag lol
  6. http://www.scan.co.uk/Products/ProductInfo...roductID=332472 Does what you want, not exactly cheap but thats the cheapest place you will probs get it from
  7. Actually I doubt its soulfly :$ Cant you just show the video to the rampworx music playing person and see if he knows??
  8. hahahah quality!! Made milk come out my nose then haha
  9. Shut up nobby, thats what the search is there for, use it!
  10. I have turned into a myspace whore, sort of got me off this forum though lol http://www.myspace.com/bpool_si Let the ripping begin lol
  11. You nipple haha Take it it's just me then that thinks Clarkson is a complete fanny then and isn't funny??
  12. Atleast with vodka it wont freeze lol
  13. looks mint, would have to chop disk mount off it though colour is ace, nice and plain an none of this polished silver shite! would buy that if i still rode
  14. Magura fluid, use whats meant to be used in it
  15. a nice usefull tip for anyone who doesnt want text under their icons... hold alt, then type 255 (has to be on keypad to work) Will make the name blank to do it for multiple icons u have to enter the 255 twice for 2nd icon, 3 times for 3rd an so on
  16. get 1 of those rape alarms and atatch it to ur bike, that will put them off (f**kin noise is deafening)
  17. Si-man


    go on hmv site, type in bomfunk MC's, click an album, click sounds like these and bobs ur uncle. Should give you links to similar bands They seem to have gotten rid of that feature, ohwell lol
  18. im generally a stress head get stressed riding but dont throw my bike (thats just stupid) get stressed attempting to undo bolts (if i cant do it 1st attempt) get stressed at geting stressed!!
  19. Its not asif you grip the bars with your eyebrows now is it, get on your cycle and ride!! Or have a wank/ spliff/ sex...
  20. Ive got 30-12 and thats mint Run whatever gear you want
  21. Sounds poo, bit like the final destination trillogy.
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