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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. You cant base your reasonin on the f**kin sounds of a hub, thats bollocks. Profiles are good yes, but mine on my triasbike used to skip and the one on my bmx now skips every now an again. Why you brough tprofile into it anyway, its about hope and chris king
  2. Holy jesus, sounds liek a f**kin gun goin off haha Jay, we are sooo making one of them an firin it at the school behind urs lol
  3. Nope, is the same system as how a cluch works in a car, 2 plates that touch, making it engage
  4. hahaha, annaconda lmao Erm, i guess that they just walk around being strangled all day I cant stand it if theres and strangulation of the bollock/ cock, i get pissed off an start goin mad haha Why wear girls jeans though unless your a practising tranny?
  5. Rite, im gonna go down there tomorra an get a pic of me standin next to it (im 5' 9" btw)
  6. Well done, someone who finally gets it f**k sake your all hard work lol
  7. LMFAO!!! Funniest thing ive heard all day hahahaha Just get hope, reason are up there ^^
  8. because its cheap, pretty much indestructable (so far), looks the bollocks, and is british (f**k american bollocks
  9. I dont really know about the booster, would look alot better as one flowing shape, rather than goin in half way up, then the top part of it being really long (arent I technical lol)
  10. engagement isnt everything darling
  11. I get called em cause i wear black clothes, a studded belt (been wearing em for years!) and cause i got a star tattoo on my wrist. Pisses me right off!! Is ok for a laugh but when they go on an on then it pisses me off! I listen to f**kin happy hardcore, death metal, drum an bass, how an i a f**kin emo??
  12. Hope pro II, look good, perform well, cheap
  13. To many mini hitlers on this forum
  14. hahaha, we merlins stick together lmfao!! Hes bin with her bloody ages, tryin to make him feel better lol
  15. I dunno if you have said anything previous in the thread, but what happened?? And are you ok?
  16. Dunno why i found that funny haha, ohwel, was in aweird mood yesterday
  17. re welded aluminium...not as strong...ends up with broken face...visits dr pakiman in hospital...duh!
  18. Suprised you havnt been to see Dr. Pakiman a the hospital yet with a broken face
  19. I have one cracked frame and one with a stripped bb shell, so yes, they can be broke
  20. I have never seen anyone snap a profile driver before, but if you do I think tehy would probably replace it for free and give you a medal lol And yes, you can replace it with either a Ti or cromoly version, which is either fixed (11T and below) or unfixed(12T+, uses a replaceable cog) God im in a helpful mood haha
  21. well, it needs to be as wide as the weird shaped bit that goes into the lever, about 3mm wide. Can use a saw, a really small needle file, a dremel anything really that can remove metal. Is really easy, should only take you about 15 mins tops depending on what tool you use
  22. Rite, that link that jay posted, you replace that part that u have snapped with a m5 threaded bolt right, then you cut a slot in the head of the bolt to make the pronged bit like the part in your picture. Works a treat and is alot stronger than the actual part your holding in your hand. Just visualise the part in your hand with the threaded end still atatched, then visualise it as the bolt your gonna make, jobs a goodun
  23. Same here, all thick bastards on here FFS!!!!!!!!! he put the bike on the wall, which is about 7 foot tall, then he stood on the bike pretending that he had sidehopped it, how many f**kin times do we have to tell you JESUS CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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