You will probably want to wear some protective clothing if you do that haha! Tell them to f**k off, works with my cat haha! Drown the wankers in piss! Use a dyson an suck em all up haha
Thin mesh (small holes) Crocodile clips 12v car battery. Wire up entrance so when they fly out they get cooked. I swear i should have been a serial killer/ torturist
Get a pic of it so we can see what we can do and not do. Idea of mine would also be to place large can of something flammable next to it, set fire to a rag and place it next to can, shoot the can with a BB gun or air pistol...BOOOMMM!!!!!
Expanding foam for the win!!!! Leave a hole, and lob a few smoke bombs in. wait for a while and kill the f**kers on the way out of the hole with an electric fly swatter
Supposed to take 9 days i think, took about 2 f**kin weeks with me. just keep checking your bank every day (on screen statement). The sums will be like 0.70p, 0.12p (like that )
That stuff will be shit, since its about that >>> || thin an has been melted already etc. Just go to a builders suppliers or something an ask for roofing tar