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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Si-man

    T-f Clock

    Yer I noticed that but thought nothing of it lol. Ahwell, aslong as my pc clock an phone clock are right then im not arsed. Never in all my time on tf apart from today actually looked at the tf clock lol
  2. £350?? Sod that, could buy a much better frame for that! Not worth that much, old frame.
  3. Takes up to 6 weeks for any break to heal... just because it doesnt hurt anymore, doesnt mean its fixed
  4. I think Jay was gonna do the dildo thing haha! Has about 4 the dirty twat!
  5. I think that people should be in te middle of the pic so that the whole object can be seen. That tyre could be held up by something frpm the veiling for all we know
  6. Si-man


    I've had to resort to looking at faceparty all day :@ is bloody crap lol Internet is shit without trials-forum and myspace lol
  7. Ah yes forgot about that haha! Yer the top of the booster got in the way of the tyre so had to grind the back off.
  8. Caleb used to use the control booster on his mod... Looks abit out of place though because it's so f**king big! Just stick to either the Echo Team booster or get the black 4 bolt Echo one
  9. Get some in ear type earphones then with the rubber inserts. Never fall out of my ears when doing anything!
  10. haha, last video... 4 idiots... idiot 1 is martin frikker lol
  11. Its not just for CS lol People say it on all online games. Always get nob heads on battlefield 2 sayin it, (unts
  12. yer that van in the background sure is sweet Bike is THE sex, neightbour has 1 of them, he has an older model though
  13. Urbans do break lots, im sure rossi has snapped about 4 pairs of them now, and didnt cap rip the disk mount off in about 2 weeks?
  14. You have to have a rear 24 on them, because they made the back ends wrong on them lol. Can buy a new back end to take 26 but whats the point. I use that bike alot, comfy as fook and rides distances fairly well considering how much power it sucks out of you lol On about Jays bighit btw
  15. How the hell you can think a honda zoomer looks nice is beyond me
  16. Si-man

    The Bell Law

    Well, if your riding up to someone are you really going to risk taking a hand off the bars and possibly losing control, just to make a "ding!" noise when you can just shout "oi fanny, shift!" ??
  17. Si-man


    I used to get a really sore back when I swapped from stock to mod. f**k that used to hurt, used to get that bad I couldnt ride. Gets better after abit after your muscles get used to the different positioning etc
  18. Si-man


    ah shit, sorry forgot to mention it was actually in the atmosphere... An asteroid would have burnt up for sure, but no, it just kept on going... watch the vid, is good
  19. Si-man


    same here, just starting to watch episode 2 aswell. its abit mind boggling but makes alot of sense. like how the f**k can something 200 miles away from the space shuttle, following the path of the earth at 900,000 mph be visible?? Nothing made on earth that can fly is that big or fast!! fastest thing is a satelite and that can only fly at 45,000 mph... Tis all confusing so have a watch and see aht you think of it.
  20. Si-man

    The Bell Law

    Us blackpool riders used to have bells on our bikes ages ago. everytime you do a bloody gap it goes ping! Annoying as f**k, are the police really going to stop every bike they see an ask if they have a bell or not?? Just wip your nob out, stick it on the bars an go look, theres my bell lol
  21. Don't listen to these pete, I like reading your bullshit
  22. Had a weird dream last night about my mate dying. Woke up with tears in my eyes . Last dream I remember, i was torturing this lad I know, was f**king great fun, tehn I woke up
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