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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. Not difficult to look on say tartybikes for short cranks is it lol
  2. Its a flatbed truck, should be able to fit way more
  3. Them cranks on a mod will be abit long...
  4. We had 6 people with bikes in/ on a mondeo... haha!
  5. Abit stereotypical arent we! Not all chavs are like that you know, jesus!!!
  6. Anyone have the 8.1 beta msn?? Mine is alwys bein a twat, when i log in I usually have to accept about 12 people I already have on my contacts list...
  7. They can just run off with the bike you know, not asif they weight alot... You go after them, get twatted in the face with your own bike lol Moral of the story, kick them in the head and ride off
  8. Remember the canary yellow coloured ones?? They looked sweet
  9. Check that the pin holding the pad onto the piston isnt snapped... Has happened before, the pad stays in, and can still move about. Is worth a look to rule it out
  10. Had my sony 20gb one for a year now, nothing wrong with it so far. Not that hard to read with scuffs, turn the brightness up Also, you using the sony shite or sonic stage to put songs on? I know you have 29GB of music, but seriosuly, theres no point having that on the player, it will just slow it down. I used to have 50gb of music, i only used about 12 gb of it on player...
  11. So you hate the 2 most popular companys then, weird!
  12. I don't really have the patience to be honest. Also have a really bad attention span, so usually just get bored and throw it in the bin
  13. Toast, tomato puree/ paste/ ketchup, and some cheese. Make your own pizza's Could even make tuna and cheese melt on toast
  14. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/11-28-2005-82544.asp
  15. used to get mbuk back in the day, then like a year later i decided to buy one. Also, used to see james and chris riding about alot, looked like fun
  16. Or silicone spray, that stuffs beasty!! Use it on the robots at work, is reet good
  17. Si-man


    same I got a's, b's and c's aswell lol, an now im an engineer doing injection moulding lol.
  18. mates band supported them at 53degrees in preston A band from preston i quite like... For My Anger
  19. Si-man


    Sigged Lawnmowerman on here used to do airsoft, speak to him
  20. I get called bennie at work, watch crossroads, has a peaked beanie hat, i always wear one so that rubbed off
  21. what the hell is it? and what is its purpose? god si u have some tripe on that list of yours
  22. Another thing, dont ride when you feel unwell because of lack of strength etc. Riding will make it worse. Learn to trust your bike Anger seemed to help me alot, riding used to calm me down and I used to actually ride! Maybe thats why im always angry now, quitting riding... who knows!
  23. Try new things, go out with the intention of dialing a new trick. Go out with a mate or family member, get them to support you while you ride, see if they can spot any faults your doing (may not ride, but might be able to see little things that may help you out) Stuff like that really. Also, I used to find that a fast style of music used to make me want to ride and do things better.
  24. THE most ilegible thread on trials forum??? I think so
  25. answers are abit wrong... shouldnt it be 1st? 2nd? Mines 1st anyway
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