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Everything posted by Si-man

  1. He used old rope, which split. Was doing the same jump but from higher up. Man had balls, thats all i can say
  2. Congrats dude, now you can join the almost 20 brigade
  3. Do they take on people Under 18?? I would have thought you would have to be ATLEAST 20 to do it I really hope you have got the right idea with this, because it will be a big disapointment if you dont get in. If you can do it then brilliant, just have something else in the pipeline aswell.
  4. Sexy as f**k dahlback VW golf... One of the nicest cars ive ever seen
  5. Hope you can withstand being tortured aswell. Pressure positions, white noise, screaming etc. Lasts for around 24 hours
  6. And you want to ride when you get in there... Are you taking the piss?? Once in, you will have no time to ride, and probably not want to in the end. people who go in the commandos will tend to be hardcore nutters, you go in acting like a puff and going "oooo can i ride my seatless bike" and you will probably be laughed out.
  7. Dont be getting cheeky though, because they are the police you know... They have to go through all the training etc. They can still get you arrested you know...
  8. Mates levelboss got stolen other week aswell. Pretty much only trials bike in blackpool now so wont be that hard to find.
  9. Just say " you ever heard of knocking!! now f**k off an let me finish!!!" haha, see what tehy say
  10. Whats the dirrerence between the Ipswitch killer and mr kippling?? Mr Kippling puts 6 tarts in a box... LMAO!!!
  11. Fake, if I had my way I wouldnt even have one! Christmas decorations are shit
  12. Yep, my mum when i was about 12 hahaha! I didnt speak to her for like a week after haha
  13. Silver and black, with maybe the odd component in a different colour. Nice and simple, not over the top
  14. They are there to stop frame flex, resulting in a cracked frome if you arent careful. Never used it to protect the crossover, never hit it Also, takes away any flex from the brake pads, and some from the rim. Get one, even if your frame has a reinfoced area around the brake mounts, you will notice the difference in feel and power straight away.
  15. get the 50kg ones, made from cast iron, same place, same make but £50 i think. Getting them for christmas
  16. All these "im gonna die a trials rider" fans... give it a year or so...
  17. Do you really want your cock stitching up?? Might aswell get it removed, not asif it does anything anyway
  18. Is all so true! I used to swear abit, but since working as an engineer, f**k me, all i ever do is swear!! Is hard not to, tried but isnt happening. I have a national diploma in manufacturing engineering, and am starting HND next year, as part of my apprenticeship. Is all good fun though
  19. Si-man


    if you mean about the pete wright bit, then we were only pretending to be god and inventor of all
  20. King Bmx hubs are around £400 new, where as profiles are around £160... I'll let you decide
  21. Im not on about the bike!! Just the frame looks exactly the same
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