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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. New pads orrr.... try gritty mud on the pads/rotor
  2. Mint deal that rex I'd get that if you want a new stock for sure
  3. Alex Dark


    I love mine strong, hold pins well,. and light as fek
  4. Magura : Lighter if you have maggura mounts, easier to get a aworking setup, generally cheaper than a comparable vee, easier to upgrade, better bite, less hassle to setup, mod's and vee's tend not to go too well ( rear vee that is ) Vee: Better hold with a decent setup, lighter if you have vee mounts, no bleeding/split hoses issues, quieter, works better backwards Edit: oh and better pad selection with magura
  5. Ride in the rain/ whack some water on the rotor....if not it'll be new pads and boil the rotor
  6. Yeh they're pretty damn nice to ride, higher bb version of the old coust mk1 frame pretty much, so sound geo
  7. erm people use modstock all the time.... definite tra called the "angelboy" a mock.....may not be used, but surely easier if people know what it means
  8. Now that actually looks damn nice....good job tris i'm well impressed..... now where's my coust i need a bike dude!
  9. That helped, and in a humorous way too That didn't
  10. FFW = front freewheel IS = international standard DD = dual disc HS= headset HA = head-angle Mock= stock with 20" front wheel Mod-Stock = stock with 116 spacing rear end to take mod hub
  11. Righto, Got a t-master front hub and a rear try-all hub (satin black with big white tryall logo) with blown bearings. Anyone got any idea what sizes I'd need? I'm going to email tarty tomorrow, but just thought id post this up just in case Also, just wondering how the best way to get old bearing outer shells out of a hub, apart from a dremel as i don't have one . Sure At least a few of you must have had this problem.
  12. i was going to point that out.....
  13. I agree...looks mint, and geo looks pretty noice as well
  14. Wrong section dude.... Could be that the o-ring has perished somehow and needs replacing, or the lever body has a scratched bore and will need replacing.
  15. I'd always recommend a KMC kool chain only snapped one in about 2 years
  16. My thoughts exactly i'd just use a bmx ISO...or iuse a front freewheel, but hey, your pro2
  17. Hmm, maybe, worse back-wheel control?....Surely there's a good reason stay length has slowly come down, until 380 is the accepted norm?
  18. Same idea as rockstar...although i think they are the same bb's in all fairness clicky
  19. Shame about the long chainstays though Step backwards in my opnion
  20. It's just that he's proposing to weld it on and that.....
  21. No buying or selling in the New Members section in afraid....
  22. Apparently the collars break off fairly easily, and they won't clear a FFW setup with bash. although i don't think you use ffw do you? pro2?
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