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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. wow..pretty condemning ...I can see what you mean though, i would have removed material from the top of the clamps so there's a recess for the booster Otherwise the bottom part of the clamp really has to bend downwards to compensate. Badly designed IMO
  2. Bike looks ace apart from the bars Good work I want my Z3 too Short, low bb and cracked isn't a good look
  3. Holy shizz you're tiny haha I thought i was mini... 63kg bike...10ish? front and rear - 15-20 Just experiment duuuude, if its too hard or people say it's really solid then let some air out. On the flip-side if you're denting the shit out of rims and/or getting flats increase it
  4. Sounds like loose bearings, loose axle bolts or dead bearings.
  5. haha my exact thoughts..... Keen ass riding there, need to teach me some of that there hoppy shit
  6. dear god this topic needs to be closed..... how the hell did this manage to spiral into a full-on argument? God bless TF.....
  7. How the hell did you manage to break that?! PM me..ive got a brand new hub for sale
  8. Cant be over 10 surely? Seems really heavy for your build...
  9. 1. I doubt you;d notice a huge difference....they're not massively lighter, and you'll have to buy a bash to go with as well. 2.In theory I guess so....it'll be on workmanship though i suppose. 3. Trialtech should be fine I would have thought, In all honesty, I;d keep the trialtechs and spend the dolla elsewhere. If you run a king or pro2 and want to lose some weight..and know of some decent price middleburn cranks with a TI bash or TNN then i guess it'd be worth upgrading.
  10. My thoughts exactly......ditch vertical! they're a pain the arse
  11. Basically got lent this camera...oong-term. Unfortunately, due to some pretty stupid mates of his, it got sand thrown at it while he was taking a picture. The camera turns on and such but tries to open the lens and the motor just whines. Has anyone got any ideas? Really like to get this going again...was thinking compressed air; good call? Cheers, Alex
  12. Alex Dark


    Yeh, take care that you DO use thee right size allen key....i'll bet they can be a right b*****d to get out if you round em off.
  13. Make it laterrrr....I need to get giood before i go all the wy up to LDN for a ride
  14. Reallllly want to go to this...going to have to convince Jake it's a good idea He's got a van so we could chuck bikes in that...then peeps could ride in a car maybe?
  15. Nuc stem id say would be a little high...is it the silver 125 x 20 one? yeh good plan Erm, no idea what would be idea really... something small i assume
  16. Never really compensates for it.... i don't reckon anyway
  17. Now that is what iwanted to hear Add me to msn if you want to discuss the possibility of bulk ordering avec moi...
  18. I'd be fine with that considering the price.... thanks for your help dude
  19. Tis a bit looow now really.... depends what you want to ride though, and of course personal preference
  20. Righto... Really need a new frame sorted one way or another...took a long at biketrial seller and it;s only £85 for a Dob Nova...which has ace geo and is light as fek. Has anyone had any experiences with them? ( I have used the search, just wondering if anyone else had ordered off there...especially recently ). If they are legit...anyone down for placing a large order? Orrrr, is there any other places where i could get a stock frame for £100-140 ? Ideally 1075-1090, 380, +30-45 Cheers, Alex
  21. Stock....Kinda tempted to say the boxx? purely because it just looked so damned different. to ride, I've yet to find a bike that rides nicer than my coustellier v2 though. 24"....For reasons luke stated above...has to be the Inspired Mod....XTP2...the original xtp was pretty innovative with the cnc'd headtube, bb yoke and brake yoke...and the xtp2 just improved on the design somewhat
  22. 10kg is relatively light i would have thought? hardly a tank...
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