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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. Im assuming he was just riding along to be hassled for that.....if he'd actually been riding trials im sure he would have got abused for that
  2. Haha so pointless....unless they're pilot holes for >10mm holes
  3. If its in the master, then no not hard at all as longas you have the tiniest bit of mechanical know-how. You will have to re-bleed though. BLEED with OIL!
  4. Light sharp grind...Coustellier CNC'd pads work great
  5. Yeh i run an alloy cassette body and it's all good.....the HD classic hub seems pretty damn good
  6. No reason not to....should be fine
  7. Nope.....because it now goes the opposite direction, the normally self tightening lockring loosens itself.
  8. I use an old aluminium seat post...insert it down the headtube, and gently tap the headset cup out. Remember to tap all the way around the circumference of the headset in order to avoid getting the headset angled and thus running the risk of flaring the tube The larger the diameter of post/tube, the more material will be in contact with the headset cup.
  9. Yeh it'll work...but beware of the lockring coming loose, thus it spilling it's innards on the floor
  10. Pics or it didn't happen....oh, wait....
  11. Really seems that way.....turned it off in 4mins, just got really boring; didn't think I would get bored of back flips, but hey
  12. Cheeeeers for that Max, appreciate you picking up on one tiny typo
  13. Do ittttt Video was ace, major props
  14. Looks ace...good luck keeping it dent free
  15. Was good...pretty well edited, VERY smooth for a newb, just put some more power and you'll get good pretty fast I reckons
  16. Haha cheers for that nick.... But yeh, in all seriousness, we should get some people down for an informal comp i reckon anyone else like the idea?
  17. So wanting to be CLS Liked it though, some keen power there...
  18. True.....but we can't just have people linking to tarty constantly....
  19. Decent 2 bolt booster and you're set Trialtech sport would be ideal....
  20. nah i wouldn't use a wire brush, you'll scratch the hell out of it...i used a credit card to scrape the paint off and loads of Nitro
  21. Sounds like you haven't crossed them properly....or there's an epic flat spot in your rim?
  22. The V2 ones *might* fit...not too sure.
  23. Thanks Kieran and cheers for the random quote
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