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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. Mod or stock? Fixed or free? Disc or non-disc? Lightweight or hench? Budget? Spoke drilling?
  2. Truth They're piss easy to fix anyway....
  3. Such a bouncy little dude Keep up the riding though, twas good
  4. I wouldn't get the stock forks...the fly guys aren't renowned for being terribly strong. Take a look at the Echo urbans click here
  5. Hey man, welcome to the Forum.... Good stuff getting back into riding after a long break, refreshing seeing people getting back into it now Check out the rides/locations thread,,,when you're validated post a topic in there to arrange a ride.
  6. Shim it...loctite it....bigger headset...leave it
  7. Ye did belong to Mr Kieran...now owned by a good friend of mine if anyone's interested in it...high spec dual disc one.
  8. Right...soooo been solidworks'in pretty much all afternoon and firing emails off to people to get their feedback. All the renderings are currently refusing to upload, bit I'll keep trying for anyone that cares
  9. Very strong loctite can also help...if it's cracking noises then in 80% sure its the headset bearings themselves.
  10. The short is amazing to ride....really loved my mates one. No cracks so far..but it is a super lightweight mod frame. Known to crack definitely, especially around the seat stays i think
  11. Truth... Rear Magura always on a stock....mod disc/magura on the rear.
  12. Wow.....pretty strong response from you guys! I've done three people's designs so far, and continuing with the rest now. Must remind everyone that the limiting factor is the amount fo material available to me, so it is first come first served I should have all the designs completed for the people that emailed me by around 6pm if all goes well.
  13. Shit bolts, too much torque, too short bolts, rushing.
  14. And if the magura was designed to have a braided cross-over...washerless clamps...longer blades...cnc'd pads...ti hardware it'd come standard, oh...wait It's an improvement for us trials riders...we're adapting an XC commuter brake for the best possible performance in trials, ergo there have to be some differences in what we want from a brake. Light lever feel is hardly important for commuters or tandem riders is it? There are no real ill-effects from water bleeds...I must have owned around 10 maguras now? All water bled...all worked fine until one or two cracked / got cannibalised or got sold.
  15. No worries, I'll cehck through my email tomorrow, and get some designs ran up by tomorrow night....sound okie?
  16. Done it....works great Got this set-up on the front of the coust, hammered it all day today and no issues what soever. Simply file the top part of the mount down until you don't need the plastic washer...keep testing them together
  17. Okay well drop me the designs and ill see what I can do tomorrow It certainly would....email me what you be wanting alexdark2(at)hotmail.co.uk
  18. Well Done good choice my man
  19. Should have stuck with the Cousts Ermmm...maybe a sharper lighter grind
  20. Really does matter...even on street I wouldn't sacrifice grip for weight any-day.
  21. Those BB's are pretty much disposable items unfortunately... I recommend getting a Shimano UN52 or UN72 if you can find one. Sure it's the BB?
  22. New front stock tyre is ridiculous money...the old one was quite a lot but this is ridiculous. Fek all tread too! But is it anywhere near as grippy?
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