May possibly have to mill the adaptor down... I've done this before with success
Check yer wheels in straight? Dial in the red dials so pads are right out away from the rotor and see if you can move the caliper so the rotor doesn't rub...Also, bent rotor?
Used both...prefer the Rain King personally Feels more bouncy and less "dead" than the Kaiser.
Wear rate is a bit better than the Maxxis although not massively for me....
I'm missing all the connectors that join the Hose into the master cylinder of the hope.....can someone show me which parts I need to buy to make it work?
I *think* I need 5, 10, 2, 8 from here.
Hm...stronger than Urbans Ali? I want front magura..I'm fed up with everything else. I snap Avid BB7 calipers, my Hope just wont bite properly (any advice?! )and if I went Vee I'd need a whole new setup.
So it's back full circle to Magura which begs the question which forks? Cannot justify or afford least new.
Got some Fly guys and wondering what people though of them really...cant be bothered to go to the hassle of chopping the steerer etc if they're actually really weak or flawed in some way. I don't ride fair amount of taps and gaps to fronts but NO hooks. Will be running them front magura mount.
Anyone snapped em?
How long if above?
Reason for the change is im running some disc only urbans and ive got pretty pissed off with my Hope Mono Trial...really want to go back to front magura, but dont fancy ripping these forks apart.
The forks are way too long giving you some silly headtube angle and massively increasing the chance of you pulling the headtube off due to the silly leverage. Plus will ride like some silly chopper with a huge BB height.