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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. shweet....right ill get on that asap.....
  2. right...ive got some dmr wing bars ( 2" rise , 680mm long ) , echo control 90mm x 5* rise....so how much stem stackers for that? and did you runt he bars tilted trials style ( fingers in ends of bars, lift then tighten bolts ) or did you have them laid back?
  3. come one ! are we supposed to guess what you need? put some effort in man..... id suggest this then: http://www.chainreactioncycles.com/Models.aspx?ModelID=21586
  4. er...whats so funny smoby? And ding dong....im getting mighty infuriated with you...where the fricks my £15?
  5. er...by the looks of it id say nay It's not obligatory...but it aids other human beings in understanding what you're trying to say yeh... about that...i dobnt think dreads will stop your head from being split open like a melon if you flip over on a big drop....
  6. im well up for this...anyone driving up from the southwest?
  7. basically i need two stems for the above bikes... any suggestions on length / rise / bar combo? whats the geometry of an onza woodstock? I know its 1040, 385, 0 but im not sure about the head angle....anyone?
  8. pearson, pengelly, and ome of the plymouth lot should come as well :]
  9. so.. the majority opinion is yellows?
  10. cousts just need cnc backings.....its just one of the those things.. So which of the two compunds are comparable to the old red pads?
  11. im out today as well if anyones up for it...
  12. priddles you bellend...you riding plymouth today?

    Jake says "you fat b*****d, and your mums hot"

  13. ill be out, and jake and probably a few others if we can drag them along....
  14. im up for it....rainbird, woody, you two come out as well
  15. get a tensile....i havent loooked backed since i got mine, its awesome
  16. hs11s have a larger master piston than the hs33 wgich results in less power at the wheels.... Get a second hand set of hs33s, or a back one.....rally worth the money, you can likely pick one up for around £20 posted.... i really wouldnt bother witht he after 05 ones....the tpas just thread themselves, break and cant be bodged very easily
  17. 661 dirt lid....but i think im gonna change it to an xc lid for xmas....
  18. ebay sell em under the name alligator Its coated in titanium nitride
  19. sounds cool....anyone driving up from truro to plymouth area? 3 of us are coming and would contribute to fuel..... pm me if possible
  20. an important question and one which has yet to be answered.... Any ideas people? Oh, and is £12 return over the two days reasonable? ( childs , 2 singles )
  21. the majority of people just ride in jeans / trackies and a tarty or other generic tee....
  22. just make one.....a bit of alloy chequer plate and some thick rubber = no scratches / stops most dents
  23. really? im running echo cnc mounts, 04 magura, echo rim....and a grind to suit.... My koxx browns just won't hold me on high backwheel stuff
  24. Have heatsink stopped selling their red pads? They're not on the website anymore.... Anyone got any suggestions for some other pads of similar performance?
  25. one of my mates has got one....the weights not hugely noticable....tis a nice geo mod, bunnyhops to backwheel amazingly
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