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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. more importantly the time when a frame was sprayed black; then bubble-wrapped when the paint was still wet?
  2. lol....legitimately robbed? thats a bit of a contradiction surely dan? where art thou?
  3. dude...unlucky! didnt think zoo's ever broke!
  4. lol, IPB ftl...ill post up again now edit: still wont work; so here's linky http://www.pinkbike.com/photo/2891739/
  5. so would i..... i for one am not going to completely write him off..... but this is like his final, final chance......he's screwed up big time soooo many times im sure peope'll be leaving him as a sponsor soon
  6. To be honest; he's screwed now...no-ones willing to buy from him...if tarty get the zhi / neon products i reckon that'll be the final nail in the coffin for his shop...
  7. That seriously looks amazing.....i disagree with loads of people; the brakes lines look awesome bloody good job for a first build matey
  8. maxxis minion are usually the most popular choice nowadays.....or for a bit of weight loss; the continental runner queen?
  9. i say stick with 180..... Really impressed with this whole project so far the drop out ideas a pretty sweet system; although id personally use something like this :
  10. iu think the organics are softer and shiulf therefore be bitier and offer betetr hold, although im not 100% on that though
  11. maximum £100 if all in really good condition, definitely not any more though
  12. im 99% sure it wasnt, as i rode that bike a couple of days before it went, plus leon's really not like that
  13. erm onza / ddg muscleman cranks, the point of the taper is at 90* to the arm, whereas on t-bird cranks, for rxample, it is at 45*... id assume as these are both monty it'd fit though im aure tarty'll take it back if it doesn though
  14. ow i used to be better than you! you've improved far too much nice one dude
  15. crc are brilliant, ordered at least 20 things from there, returned 2 and they were v. helpful to me....
  16. here: http://www.sheldonbrown.com/wheelbuild.html if you need any more help, pm me
  17. taht...is gorgeous..reminds me of a marco hoesel....beautiful
  18. i use about 17 psi.....but its noramll a case for me ( as ilive 3 miles aways from my nearset spot ) of whacking he pressures up to aroun 40-60psi, then lettig them down when i get there.
  19. the sd7 lever is a great buy for the money; easily the best lever ive used so far ( sd5, sd3, xt, xtr ) not so sure about the pads though; i know organic should give better performance; although im not too sure. Apparently ebc red pads are supposed to be realy good pads for use on a trials bike.
  20. to which we replied with sensible answers....so alls good
  21. Alex Dark

    I'm back........

    rear disc...you nutter... :P, good riding though, lookign forward to seeing more of the same
  22. either immerse the brake, or use a pressure system like the above you can use a car clutch bleeder to achieve this though
  23. depends on your riding style...bike type, geo, etc although as you've got zona zip in your sig i assume its for that... my mate ran a monty x-hydra stem and 219 bars..that was lush
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