shorter stem = shorter feel to bike, although harder to lift front end due to less leverage...... er, shorter bars should help you pull it up; and a higher front end always helps, more stem stackers, higher rise stem, higher rise bars etc
i run a 2 bolt on the back of my zenith ( although the brake area of that is basically a cnc-d lump )and im more than happy with it. Had a 4-bolt on the zoo pitbull, and that was fine also...depends on which booster you go for, and on which frame. I'd say only really flexy frame need a 4 bolt booster, although the use of an aftermarket lever blade (read : longer / more braking force ) may facilitate the need for a stiffer braking area, and therefore booster.
pretty nice frames to ride, but i quote someone off forum ( cant remember who now ) " the fraems obviously been designed by an artist not an engineer"...due to the lack of s-bends int he chainstays and seat stays....partly resulting in a lot of the cracking around this area. So if you do have, it'd be advisable to whack a booster on there to prolong frame life
id say pure as well , far nicer riding frames in my opinion Edit: ride at least one of them...or just generally have a go on other peoples bikes, to try and work out what geo you're looking for in a frame
supposed to be pretty good and strong from what ive heard..same as this though im fairly sure;products_id=31