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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. Maybe you should learn to spell and use grammar properly? haha, i was wondering the same thing....
  2. nice one dude, seems to be plenty of people coming back to trials again, especially down here for some reason... Come to the big Plymouth ride on the 19th of april....or pretty much every weekend some people are out and about Usually meet outside copthorne hotel at about 11ish... drop me a pm if you;re unsure where this is...or need to contact me for any reason
  3. fairly sure its an 06...think the 05 had the same cnc'd wings as a zona zip
  4. 06 python i reckon..could be 05 though due to the cnc'd "wings"
  5. awesomne that you've got a maybe fromsomeone you dont even know? i may make an appearance sometime through the day if not i'll be at helman sessioning some natty
  6. possible, but improbable...different spokes needed etc Just sell one or the other
  7. oi, have i added the right person?

    You the n00b that chased the rat at london? :P

  8. I'll be there for sure Ill bring some people as well, and a camera man
  9. bit of an overstatement im sure....im gonna assume you're running onza bar and stem? Id say go for some zoo bars and a monty stem, i think the pr one?
  10. sometimes? id say most of the time..... Pedals always loosen towards the rear of the bike...., eg top of the spanner pushes towards the back of the bike. As said above, loctite will be your best option, just make sure you get the stuff designed to be undone with hand-tools though
  11. Use a 185mm bb7 adaptor, then take out some of the spacers it comes with... 203-20= 183... 185-183 = 2mm difference in diameter, so 1mm difference in radius...so take out 1mm of spacers I think anyway
  12. Im sure hans rey used to use one ( 1-2years back ) on his gt...probably a syntace one as well, it was when his bike was featured in mbuk.
  13. oldest thing is probably my rb blade and booster...wouldn't ditch the rb blade, awesome bit of kit
  14. So long as the width is okay, and you've got a 19 on the back if needed...then it shoudln;t be a problem. Although, if you're talking about just changing the rims on a bike, the rims have to have a similar erd ( read size ) to the old ones, and also have to be the same spoke hole to build properly
  15. As above, hasn't been a big southern ride for a while yet...so start of April i reckon we should meet up and have a session Anyone that's up for it may as well put their name down in here
  16. Im afraid im gonna have to go there soon Pictures are sweeeet, massive stuff there
  17. haha yeh they turned out okay, got loads of footage to edit though for the video Should be up in 3 or so days hopefully....gonna do a proper edit i think
  18. Tensile's are awesome, servicable..parts are replacable, high ep, strong, cheap...what more could you ask for?
  19. looks miiiiint, rear magura and it'd be amazing
  20. http://darkbiker.pinkbike.com/album/Fowey-...-February-2009/ http://darkbiker.pinkbike.com/album/London-1st-MArch-2009/ more landscape then riding, but thought they were fairly okay shots non-the-less
  21. just one of the animal bikes...one of the 24" street frames
  22. haha, so it was that got stuck between the two granite slabs in a wedge, and couldn't get out
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