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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. its so when you lift off the pedals, the pedals stay in the right position for your foot its am oring that rubs against the pedal body i think....
  2. it was...have a looksy at my video Mine xtp comes to mind.... drilling holes in stems and cranks yep, conti and schwalbe are back in apparently
  3. theres the onza zoot ( near identical geo to the inspired ) the leeson...or a marino bikes frame? Theyre good...but a bit of a fad i reckon, people will soon realise you can do streety trials on a short-ish stock
  4. a keyboard, sprayed in washing up liquid....then blended for 20mins should do the job nicely
  5. yeh not high enough for shit...normal risers maybe azonic doublewalls?
  6. er remove your old brake bolts, put shims, then the booster on top of the calipers..replace with longer bolts supplied.... Then tension the side screws until they hit the edge of the bolts. Fully tighten the caliper bolts
  7. why cook......why? yeh man,should be if the weathers all good ill bring that stuff in for shure
  8. monty ti's extended to 29" sorted.....
  9. citroen clutch fluid...same stuff as magura royal blood...
  10. i think mines around 10.5 with my tank cranks on it..... hm, considering a set of conti's to go with it.....
  11. i know, kinda made it stand out from all these hundreds of inspireds....be original and get a deng barge!
  12. haha not mine anymore im afarid.... i agree....budget was too low for that though i agree....we changed to some standard t-pro forks temporarily until i find some echo lites. Thanks man
  13. er im 5 7" , running a 130 x 15 hifi stem with high rise ti bars..... Im a little bit taller than that Ross McD kid on here that's got one... It actually fits me surprisingly well, i think the high bb helps? Its certainly nicer to ride than the zhi, feels far less like a barge than the zhi did. Makes jake's 1100 +55 adamant feel tiny though
  14. sorry mike, long day i actually appreciate the criticism, i just didnt then aw, ghey
  15. ok, ok you win.......how light was it when you had it? nah not always....you should see my woodstock
  16. waiting for entry as welll......few of us heading up for the whole 3 days, should be a good laugh
  17. i know..... good old bigman yeh tis a bit
  18. looks like a real poor quality one.....dodgy batch?
  19. b*****d!! i was just going out to spray my zoot red
  20. Here she is, lil project for a mate, now has new forks and a matching adamant bashring. Wheels are getting drilled with green and white tape as soon as i find the time Opinions please. http://darkbiker.pinkbike.com/album/Joshs-T-pro/
  21. i shoudl be depends on weather i guess hm, where? truro?
  22. yep head tube, but its getting welded soon
  23. yeh man well chuffed with it i know, same sheme as tra had for a lil while? im so sorry dude, the silvers sold now..got the red one? yeh boi do it hm, we'll see yep sure is, havent ridden with you for ages woody... i know, its a beast
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