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Alex Dark

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Everything posted by Alex Dark

  1. basically, should be coming up to kent a few times quite soon...so i was just wondering if there were any riders local to where ill be..
  2. SS kit form chainreaction.... or get a 2nd hand bike off here, £200 will get you barely anything brand new....massive mistake in my opinion
  3. how far are the pads away from the rim? are you bleeding with the tpa dialled in? are the pads moving as soon as you pull the lever?
  4. mon trials are plenty powerful enough...tried a bigger rotor? bad blled? contam'd pads? it works fine.... joe seddon used one for ages with a grind yup, more leverage off the hub. KInda controversial that... less pad material would result in more pressure if you think about it, although large3r pads woulkd have a bigger surface for stopping and heat dissipation. Nope....it works fine, takes a very weak rim to be crushed by a magura.
  5. nicely done billiam...could have done with so music though i reckon
  6. its really true he rides my coust so well
  7. er the one nathie linked me to is ruber queen weight? 800/900 if i remember correctly...
  8. sounds like it was already crossthreaded...pretty hard to actually rip the thread out
  9. probably be easier just to get a bmx dude...or lay off the spins, most modern trials frames aren't really meant to handle abuse in that direction Anyway, you noticed how many different coloured inspired's danny mac rode in that infamous video? Methinks he went through a fair few of them..... Onza Limey really wouldnt be a good idea, thats a pretty much comp specific bike. either BMX or maybe a custom marino frame? that way you can always weld it if it starts to go....or just specify butting in that place
  10. depends what discs...as far as i know, very few discs are sealed and therefore need a syringe, most ther systems operate using a reservoir.
  11. hope in my experience are pure gash...they always seem to die... id say go cable disc ( bb7 ) myself
  12. basically...nathie wafie says they're amazing.... and ali c and bigman hate them i was going to buy one a couple of nights ago,but ive been really put off one now
  13. looks mint only thing id change are the wee cranks and tiny stem...apart from that though, tis lush
  14. mate of mines just got one...rides really nice, just feels like a smaller version of my coust i likes it.....
  15. yeh it was a bit brutal was james davies.... it hit the lil helmet tighten dial thingy
  16. thanks man beasty tap from you there thankeeee but i cant keep up with half of em
  17. Little video compiled from pretty recent clips... Various riders, shot in several southwest UK locations. All comments welcome.... Edit: heres vimeo link for watchable quality....
  18. the idea is when run loose you've got a slack take-up ( helps for somemoves apparently? )....then when you keep tension against the chain,you get the uber tight engagments back
  19. they seem to be pretty popular...extremely light weight, and decent geo
  20. Meh same, i know for a fact i can go at least 6" bigger....just a complete mental block against it though. Sidehops and gaps to rear have always scared the shit out of me....although taps and gaps to front have always seemed less scary
  21. hmm will i save any weight with those cranks, cromo screw on cog and wide based rear cog? its an hd classic i thinks...on the same rim again ive only got maggie mount forks....so thatll have to do really...i just dont really wanna ditch my disc best way to lose a kg then? tyres...so kenda is - ~300g and what front tyre? badass, when my maxxis dies, im getting one for sure then
  22. haha yeh tis a shame.... which conti did you have? ideal sounds like my next tyre then hmmmm suggested setup? can only be front magura...or vee with adaptors
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