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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Fair enough, we've found bits that were fun for a days riding but didnt really offer much of a long term spot. The docks used to be good before all the stuff got removed a couple years ago. Some bits in Devonport and Stonehouse and down near old broken up spot (RIP) but places like mount batten we didn't think were that great.
  2. Easier with a syringe so you dont have to waste gallons of anti-freeze?
  3. I won't use any pads other than TNN LGMs. Out of 4 of us who ride together all the time, all of us use LGMs. We've tried every pad under the sun. Not sure what people are doing to make them not work, but ours are consistently excellent, and we don't regrind every morning, they get chucked about and only reground after a puncture/new tyre usually.
  4. The main strip from the Copthorne Hotel through town down to the Hoe is where the majority of the riding is. There are loads of little bits and pieces within town outside of this strip. The nice people at Plymouth Uni seem to like building trials meccas for us, but its a gamble as to whether you get kicked off or not. Worth a try though. There are bits of riding to the east and west, but to be honest alot of it isn't worth the ride for day to day riding. Its worth an explore though. Luke seems to have taken over the reigns as Plymouth trials secretary, seems to be a fair few riders down there this year
  5. He's got the best balance on the whole world cup circuit.
  6. Haha rad, no front brake? That used as a clutch or something?
  7. From my experience people doing trials demos in the centre of Plymouth love it when a load of rowdy trailbeys come and give them encouragement But yeah will probably say hi or something.
  8. If the weather does go to shit I guess a street ride in Plymouth for those cats who've travelled far would be good.
  9. Bad bleed then, it shouldn't make any difference to the feel.
  10. No just chuck it in the bin or use it to stop hot saucepans burning your mums nice tablecloth.
  11. N.Wood

    Bonz 2011 Range

    Wasn't Bonz some aussie company from back along?
  12. Another vote for chainwrap. Double wheeled tensioner would sort it, or flip the 74 Kingz as Craig mentioned.
  13. I'll put my lack of any punctures down to my bauce Rain King.
  14. Word... I think a thinner (2.3ish, actual size not conti size) Rain King/Der Kaiser would be perfect.
  15. Pretty sure Bessel and Mike SIngleton are.
  16. 50.50722,-4.00439 Those are the coordinates for the best riding at Burrator. Theres some good stuff in the car park by the river too. I dunno whats on this weekend but we might be about?
  17. Could whack a lighter tube in there if weight is a problem for you. I won't run anything else other than a RK/DK nowadays.
  18. Yeah bey he spend some dollar and got a new shiny helmet. Nice vid for sure
  19. 2 lower ones together you can run it without the washer and works like the try-all/TR/TNN ones. Or am I missing something?
  20. N.Wood


    They've done a good job of ruining some cars.
  21. Hold the tyre onto the rim at the problematic point while you pump it up? I guess if its a new rim its not flatspotted? How old is the tyre?
  22. Well what shoes and top are you wearing? Hair up or hair down?
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