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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. The 116mm hub is a big dogshit, cost cutting on a £700 flagship model shouldn't really happen. Not that I'd ever buy one due to the bb height. Still, I can imagine they'll be popular in Europe.
  2. N.Wood

    Ben Rowlands

    Good stuff Ben, rad riding
  3. It was but it used a monty specific 25" rear wheel whoch was a ballache.
  4. A brass cylinder (looks like a small olive) that gets squashed and locks onto the ose. Available from CRC or tarty. You need a new one.
  5. The hopping is usually people getting their balance, or moving their tyre to the right position of on a pointed rock or something. Once balanced you can just hang there without a huge amount of pressure going through the forks.
  6. I agree... The only areas I feel in regards to flex are the brake being stiff (or not) and the rear end flexing doing hard short uphill runups or whatever. Never felt a frame was flexy when hopping about as there are lots of variables (tyre pressure, tyre type, tube type, depth of tread, temperature etc) that IMO would make more of a difference than the frames stiffness.
  7. I just kinda stay still? I dunno what you mean about aimlessly hopping, but each to their own I guess.
  8. Kep your back brake off while you're hooked on, then you can adjust the pedals (spinning the wheel with a little hop if you need the leading pedal lower) until they're as horizontal you you can get them without hitting the obstacle. Keeping your back brake off also allows the forks to flex and spring you up.
  9. N.Wood

    Keiran Whitefield

    He sounds like a St Ives local through and through That wall is fair high in real life, boss.
  10. We'll be about tommorow from 11ish edit today from 11ish
  11. You would have a sore anus if you rode 10 years ago.
  12. Theres talk of a trip at some point this weekend, yeah. PM your number and I'll hit you up as and when we go
  13. Has the snow gone from Bristol now peeps?
  14. Yep, will keep an eye out and keep making good posts and you'll get validated quicker
  15. If you are a beginner, both frames will be fine for a bit. However, the Base is a trials specific (if old skool) frame whereas the other is a generic dirtjump type frame. For £150 you can get a much better frame second hand off here (Max T's Zoo Piranha comes to mind, look in the for sale thread at the frames on offer). That is of course if you want a trials specific frame. If you want one for occasional trials/dirtjumping etc then the generic frame would be fine, you just won't have a bike that will do anything very well it will do all things ok.
  16. N.Wood

    Packaging Query

    Whilst a good 4 hour drive from you, this place does what you're after. Myabe a similar place in Croydon?
  17. It snows in Canada EVERY year, in places its snowy for more of the year than not snowy. It would cost a hell of a lot more to have a load of snowploughs/gritters/deicing trains etc etc sitting about for the majority of the year (or all of the year) here than it costs having a week or so of disruption.
  18. N.Wood

    Phat Phluid

    You get a weight saving in that your wallet is lighter?
  19. Paul Smith if I'm feeling sexy. Which is like every day.
  20. N.Wood

    Ko Km1

    Listen... Its impossible to give you an accurate number on a bike we havn't seen with barely any description of the condition of parts. £300 - 350 is a good guess and about as accurate as you're gonna get with such little detail.
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