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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. If you're not bothered about looking like a gypsy, some sort of strap for your glasses? Is your eyesight too bad to not wear anything and just fumble your way through?
  2. N.Wood


    Badass, what a bouncy little child!
  3. I bet the bitches panties were dropping left right and center!
  4. Maxxis highroller dual ply maxxpro or super tacky compound 2.35. I say 2.35 because that will almost definately fit in your frame if its tight on clearance.
  5. Well if they do and someone pays full price for one, I'm pretty sure the Euro crisis will be over.
  6. N.Wood

    Tra In Usa

    Half way through and will edit this when done, but jesus that tyre doesn't grip worth a shit! Well lord knows where you get your energy from but jeez! Was siiiick, nice one.
  7. See whats best for you, yeah. One way works good for Damon and tuni and CLS, another works good for vincent, Stan and the cousts.
  8. Old shimano hubs used this rollerball system. Some people in the depths od eastern europe still use them i believe. Trouble was, they were spongey, and theres alot of force wanting the split the hub shell apart. The ghetto europeans used jubilee clips around the hub body to try and stop the explosion.
  9. N.Wood


    Like I say, I no longer need tenants so doesn't make any difference to me, just seems unnessesary to rinse a bit of rice for 30 mins. Anyway, carry on...
  10. N.Wood


    One of the reasons I'm glad I no longer have tenants!
  11. N.Wood


    How big is your water bill?
  12. N.Wood


    No sauce? Apart from soy obvzz. Sounds kinda dry, no?
  13. May or may not be related but some people put quite a bit of downward pressure on the blade during some moves, like up to fronts.
  14. The best forks you'll buy. I had a set of the 'snap happy' very first forks with cable mount and they lasted me about 3 years before a small crack was created on the cable guide. For reference, my previous 2 pairs of forks (Echo Control) lasted 3 months and 6 months respectively. I replaced the trialtechs about 2 years ago now and they are still perfect.
  15. Trailbeying Umm, whats wrong with "riding"?
  16. Fair one, recession and all.
  17. Aaaaannnnddd as you can see theres more than one way to skin a cat. I find if you go up, you can extend your rear wheel out infront of you more, cushioning the landing and being smoother. Or you can just go hard and fast kinda straight point to point.
  18. Yeah pinch gapping as Matt said. Concentrate on being smoother and you'll initially loose distance but will gain it back and more, AND it won't look real harsh like it does now.
  19. Has it bedded in yet? Its not contaminated is it? Try a 180mm rotor, you'll need rotor (£20ish and adaptor £5-10ish)
  20. Could buy THIS and save yourself some hassle? Its bearings are as new, ridden lightly 3 times.
  21. Sorry, this wasn't a pic taken today. That's on a Caribbean Island. I guess I'm not sticking by the rules as I'm somewhat of a badass.
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