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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Its not a loose/somehow ill fitting rotor, or a loose headset, or the wavy edge of the rotor causing a vibration or something? Or even hub bearings or summat?
  2. Some sort of X-Lite? I dunno I'm not a monty man. As for the Maguras, £30 - 50 a pair depending on condition.
  3. Name me a product that EVERYONE has only good things to say about. Silence. Exactly. Buy a Magura, if it leaks send it back, but you have to make your own mistakes, own choices and learn from your own experience some day.
  4. Theres a few rides that happen on Toad / Wellington rocks in Tunbridge Wells, 5ish miles from you.
  5. Anyone who is worth giving a shit about is at work by then (apart from firemen. But whatever).
  6. How early do you need to leave? I'd just say f**k it and annoy people for 10 mins in the morning. Some pads can kinda 'soak' up the oil too, so if you have any spares may be wirth throwing them on after you grind to stop it contaminating again Honestly, like I said before, its a pain in the arse and never works to clean the rim.
  7. A grinder works pretty good. All other methods I've ever tried don't work. It never goes back to being the same. meths may sorta work?
  8. Sorry if you've explained before, but what exactly are you trying to achieve?
  9. I think he has alot of rage inside him because he knows he can't nail his sister who is DIVINE.
  10. The back of your hob is disgusting, jeez! And as long as the bike is what you want and rides well, then cool.
  11. Well they'll be grippier for natural, but slower rolling on street. So could be good if you ride in mud a lot.
  12. N.Wood

    2012 Inspired Range

    Good to see more purple bikes! Looks pretty badass.
  13. Yeah definately get the Heatsinks. Jesus Christ.
  14. Just to scare you I hardly ever snap KMC z610s (though i replace them every 4 months or so), but I put a half link from tartys on and the link sheared in half within 2 weeks. I therefore had a boo boo on my knuckles for 3 weeks. I will never run a half link again. Saying that, you may be fine?
  15. Have you rung Tartybikes? That would be the best option...
  16. My rear shock experience is limited to the Cane Creek Double Barrel w/ti spring I had on my Intense, though it seemed to work well
  17. Direction of grind could be it, but is more likely the pads are toed in to the rear, i.e the rear of the pad is closer to the rim than the front (stem-end)
  18. Protec Bucky Lasek Classics are pretty slimline.
  19. That was good, a bit different.
  20. Makes them nice and flat and perpendicular to the sides, resulting in a more solid feeling brake.
  21. Didn't he have to give them out for free to make his iPhone 4 work properly?
  22. How long have you been riding? Mod or stock? What other brakes have you used?
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