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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. You've never complained about a meal? Or at least thought " If I didn't want to make a scene I'd complain"?
  2. The S4 is one of the nicest cars on here, looks rad. Nice buy
  3. Nah I think its just in America girls arn't always stuck up c**ts like British girls usually are and are game for some fun. Nice pics, good to see you're still shredding
  4. Thats a pretty good effort!
  5. For one person living in a 3 bed house (whos not there alot admittedly) mine comes to ~£15 month for gas and £15 month electric. Gas powers (pretty new Worcester combi) boiler only, which runs my hot water/heating. Electricity runs everything else. Power shower heats its own water using elec.
  6. By hurt you mean pleasureable.
  7. Bigman was replying to me, I was asking wether there was a super tacky in 2.35 or 2.5, or wether it was JUST the 2.7. So yeah, according to Bigman there IS a 2.5 super tacky but its rare, therefore not available on the tartybikes website you linked to
  8. Interesting they said it was trials making you unbalanced. Which leg is your forward or chocolate foot? I'd guess the thigh on this leg is stronger and calf on the back leg is stronger?
  9. Lithium or just generic grease is apparently better because copper grease obviously contains bits of copper which can wear down threads with lots of use, i.e lots of threading in and out. It possibly won't make any difference but if you had the choice I'd go lithium.
  10. Thats fair enough, different strokes and all that.
  11. Oh god look at those spanish anal whores
  12. They were built for a 25" wheel so you could make an adaptor, or run a disk.
  13. I couldn't think of anything worse than a gf that rode trials. I want to go out with someone who is cool.
  14. Do the Maxxis come in 2.35 / 2.5 or just a giant 2.7 in Super tacky ?
  15. Fair enough, I guess if I was going to that much effort I'd cut some vertical slices in the end of an old seat tube and slightly bend it out at the bottom to replicate a genuine headset removal tool.
  16. Thats only good for taking the second cup out though surely?
  17. Cool, I've ridden a national there before but I might be up at home in London soon and if the weather looks ok may pop down. Would like to ride some stuff that wasn't in section last time. Was too knackered to ride it afterwards last time!
  18. Used to be alot better when the concrete blocks were there too. Now its a 'get up the wall, turn around, drop off the wall' sort of deal.
  19. Der Baron is same as rain king just re=badged. Make sure you get the black chili - they do cheap versions with a hard shitty compound. Forteh: I'm not 100% you can get a black chili der baron in 2.3. i've seen them in hard compounds with thin sidewalls in halfords, not sure if you can get a good one though.
  20. I put them on dry. I use a trackpump and a friend to plug the end of the grip, pump air into the other side of the bar, air escapes betwen grip and bar creating space, then you can push them on.
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