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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. You f**k with Glynny bey, you f**k with me!
  2. N.Wood

    Alloy Bolts

    I have run pretty cheap quality alu bolts on what I'd say are pretty high load areas (front axle bolts with disk brake) before and they have snapped the head off them after like 8 months of hard use. I run Ti stem bolts and they have been fine so far. I use an alu bolt for my topcap bolt and its been great for 3+ years. Even when the bolt snapped (both times) nothing really happened was just a loud bang and my wheel went a little wobbly.
  3. Why would it start doing that in the first place? Would be kinda embarassing if it happened in a petrol station or somewhere 'sorry guys, just gotta wait for it to kill its self'
  4. When I lived in Kent: Ride to local town or train into London Now I live in Devon: Drive.
  5. I use metal cutting, and grind it on a bit of rock every now and again to remove the alu thats built up. Also the nice square edges of the disk make a huge difference so change often.
  6. N.Wood

    Clips From 2008

    Do you still ride Max? Clips bring me back!
  7. I prefer around +55. Otherwise it feels shit for anything other than backhopping. A good advantage of a higher bb is more clearance on hooks for natural.
  8. Whats the highest level? Level 3? Whats the hardest thing you have to do in that?
  9. Makes no odds to me about bike size but I find if someone doesn't wear a helmet when riding they 'look' like they shouldn't be a good rider.
  10. This week I've had a girl I'd never met stay over sunday night "to watch a film" and tonight I'm going out on my.... 7th "date" with another girl who is actually super nice. They are my only dealings with POF and both have worked out awesome. However, what JD said is 100% correct... You must be doing something right to even get a reply to your message. its a numbers game, consider it experience
  11. Basically the timeline is: Mr Ginge posts in angry thread that he went on a date and she text him after saying 'I can't see you again' Gets pointed to this thread and asked to post a pic of himself Present day
  12. So are you guys renting the pub just to ride in? How much? Electric included or is it a seperate deal? Looks like a good set up!
  13. Was that the Deore ones that you pushed in and some sorta flap held the spoke in? Was back a few years ago so can't remember the details but I had one and it was terrible. Looked good though. EDIT:
  14. Flame graphic on the saddle is so hardcore! Really wanted one of these back in the day
  15. Sold the Echo Czar 2007 - Cracked Yaabaa 1499 - snapped Echo Control '09 - snapped Koxx Purple Sky - Cracked Echo Pure - Current
  16. The '07 ones were flat and horrible, the '08 ones were quite a nice shape.
  17. £300 - 400 depending on condition. That sorta ballpark.
  18. Giving people shit only to be completely wrong yourself, nice one!
  19. Agree with all of this. Although I now ride a +55 as I only really ride natural these days and its great.
  20. Mark in shorts over lycra shocker!
  21. Pad wobble causing vibration = noise. Generally you get less bite with a booster, more hold.
  22. N.Wood


    I think a plesiosaur would be delicious, so yes.
  23. Ok so today was pretty cold. I know you Slovakian / Russian / Arctic riders get mad cold winters, but you're used to it so whatever. Anyway like I was saying I was on Dartmoor today and it was 20mph winds, slightly drizzly and about 6 degrees. So what I'd call 'pretty cold'. So I wore a goretex shell over a jumper over a t-shirt, with jean shorts under Altura waterproof shorts. The jumper was taken off after like 20 mins as I'd warmed up. And I was fine, no hypothermia and certainly no lycra / skin suits / whatever in sight.
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