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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Have they sorted out the ratchets stripping and hubshells breaking with the Pro2EVO? I know they changed the driveshell bearings so hopefully thats solved that issue. My current count over 3 years: Hope Pro2T killed: 4 Echo SL killed: 2
  2. Lewis Greenhalgh (sp?) can't remember his forum name, maybe try all something, anyways he moved to Aus
  3. Fair enough - They have pretty thin sidewalls which means they are easier to pinch. Gonna have to stick with the high pressures!
  4. Looks loads less cluttered than the original red paintjob, looks great
  5. Wow someone in trials finally jumped on a marketing ploy when they saw one - Good job Stan! Does Stan make that CNC body, looks sweet. Any more news on it? A shame they didn't make it a split clamp and incorporate a pivot bolt that doesn't come loose while they were at it. Congrats to Mr Shaw!
  6. Worse for trials*, better for spins, bunnyhops etc. * I know bunnyhops etc are trials, but you know what I mean, get off my back man, jeez. HOWEVER: No one can really tell you because you may be tall and feel more comfortable with a longer stem, it may not suit your bike or riding style etc etc. So don't blame me if you try it and you can't make it work.
  7. Best avatar on here since... Well since I can remember actually.
  8. Get a good matress, duck down duvet and pillows, 300+ tpi cotton sheets and a duvet thats oversized (king size duvet on a double bed). Shit is mad comfy.
  9. Looks great! I HATE this whole brakeless thing (sorry everyone) but it does make the bike look cleaner. Good colour choice too Did the paint scrape off the spokes when you put them through the hub flange?
  10. Yeah chain will stretch. Will only take a few gaps / hard pedals to start some movement - Ride it as much as you can and check to see if you can move the wheel back at all.
  11. Cables against frame, swarf / gravel in tubes, chain, loose headset, loose wheel cones, um... A load of different parts.
  12. I run my right (front) lever slightly lower/steeper angled than my left (rear) and have done for years. Helps to get over the front and be able to reach the lever when all the way over the back.
  13. These look cool, any idea how much they are? UK distributor?
  14. Well its definately wanted... But wether you can do it is another thing. Its an expensive thing to do for very little gain - How do you plan on doing it, logistics wise?
  15. Fair one, they're both damn good riders! Hook to sidehop on that pointy rock near the end was gnarcore.
  16. She's probably asking on her netball forum "theres this thuuper hot guy who sometimes comes into the shop but I don't work much and he doesn't come in too often. He's so cute and talks so funny! He's the one hot guy I;lve seen around here for ages... Help!" Or something.
  17. Can increase the cams effective range by using a larger headed bolt or putting a washer under the bolt for the cam to butt up against. Did this on my Yaabaa, was fine.
  18. I've done this to one, and 2 friends have done the same. Still, its the best freewheel out so no point worrying about it or saying its shit, its about the most highly stressed part on a bike so any imperfection in the metal will cause it to die.
  19. I've done both front and rear threads, both times sucked.
  20. Not particularly... If you plan on riding it, you'd better make sure that one bolt holding your face away from that sharp brick wall is tight.
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