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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. My office days are 9 - 5 with half hours lunch, on site can be from 8 hours to 14 hours, depends on what needs doing. Overtime is paid after 10 hours.
  2. One of my favorite vids ever I think. And northern is like another language haha.
  3. N.Wood

    Bb5 Vs Bb7

    This guy isn't as pleasureable as a vaselined door handle.
  4. He has badass little Nikes on, good choice.
  5. I don't care, doesn't affect me in any way... But i feel like the church is almost like a 'club' and if they don't want you in there they have every right to chuck you out. So marriages in other places is fine, but thats just a civil partnership right? If you want it in a church, obviously religion must mean something to you, and I dont feel like you can pick and choose bits of religion that suits you.
  6. Could be to do with them being the Pro model... I've had trouble with them in the wet / damp.
  7. No - He was saying that in this country, if a person hit another person with a pipe, the person would get in trouble. Its not just your country. Infact an ex 'colleague' is now in jail for hitting a drug dealer over the head with an iron bar.
  8. You think you have it bad? Sometimes Waitrose run out of dauphinoise potatoes which can completely ruin ones lamb roast. Think about that next time you complain.
  9. f**k me if you wanna move, move. If you can't afford to, then sorry there are lots of things people want but can't afford. Also pretty pointless trying to compare cost of living, there are way to many factors for it to just be a simple number.
  10. It looks like there are carbon fibres sticking out all over the shop - Is that the case? My knees quite often rub the top tube if I'm standing about. Not sure on the black stripes / fade but other than that looks cool.
  11. Wow... I know you're not a dick but I think he was joking, hence the .
  12. Are Osram Nightbreakers still the hotness in bulbs?
  13. I'm sure there was someone in Holsworthy too...
  14. Tarty Adam ran a carbon rotor at some point, there is a video of it out there somewhere. He may be able to help.
  15. I can almost hear the free brake pad refills dropping through his letter box now.
  16. N.Wood

    Tough mudder

    Get that cochlear implant son.
  17. N.Wood

    Magura 2014.

    WTF is a ball ended lever blade? One with a ball on the end (duh) like a 1960s motorbike lever? Sick.
  18. Ok I don't mean any Bear Grylls shit I basically mean do you live cheque to cheque or do you have money saved up for the future.
  19. Say you lost all income tomorrow, and your expenditure stayed the same, how long could you keep it up before you had no money left?
  20. Yeah but seems like such a waste when you've got your dick out.
  21. Did I just watch her have sex with a dog?
  22. Is there a smaller dia tyre you could run? I was gonna suggest cutting the side knobbles down but that is so tight I dont think it'd make much difference.
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