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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Cool, nice one on getting round clean!
  2. :bow: f**kin quality trials components once again!
  3. Echo SL? +55 so maybe a little low? Tried Scott Wilson / 54 Sport for an Inpulse?
  4. My S Works helmet that was at one stage the lightest helmet in the world weighs 199g without peak.
  5. Concentrate on your own riding not other peoples. If other people want to be sheep, let them, what does it matter to you.
  6. Those look like they've been recovered from a ship wreck Hope you did'nt pay much! Anyway yeah i'd dismantle the brake try and soak them in wd40 overnight.
  7. Depends what you ride. I agree I reckon 3 hours is pretty short but if you ride a solid 3 hours on challenging natural you'll know about it. 3 hours on street is nothing.
  8. Might be worth ringing Tarty and chatting through your requirements with them.
  9. Start small... People will be impressed by a 180 on flat ground, they won't know what you're capable of so you'll probably get the same reaction from a 180 as you will from a 50" sidehop. Work up to stuff, play the crowd, get someone on a mic who is like 'oooh not sure if he'll make this' yadda yadda yadda. Don;t make trials riders look likebellends by wearing lycra.
  10. Depends which ones.. Some of them do, the ones posted up are some of the slimmest they do. Have a look.
  11. Just made a noise, took a while for me to realise what it was... Similar to a spoke snapping or whatever. Didnt actually affect me at all, just checked my bike and saw it. I ride stock (18:15 gearing if that makes a difference).
  12. I run a neon splined and have done for about 10 months and its been fine. The sprocket was pretty snug on there (had to be sorta levered on / off) and I did snap the original neon sprocket (tarty upgraded me to a trialtech), but its been play free and worked pretty faultlessly. I've stripped screw on threads before when riding and this is a much safer design imo.
  13. I've run the cheaper wiperblades.co.uk ones and found they didn' work very well, swapped to the Lucas ones and they worked great. Very recently bought some Bosch ones off ebay as they were £20 posted and I was getting a couple of other bits, they seem to work well too.
  14. Possibly a freshwater lake? Will investigate.
  15. What app is that? I'm doing the london to brighton soon and this will be the first time I've done it since the advent of smartphones and would be cool to have a similar set of data
  16. For what its worth I've just swapped from TNN LGMs to some Koxx reds I found in my toolbox and I'm impressed... They were meant to be temporary, but can't see a reason to change back...
  17. N.Wood


    In a nutshell... Compound and carcass are much more important than tread pattern. What you want for a rear tyre: - Maximum grip: Generally softer compound = better, check tartys durometer rating the lower the better. - Decent sidewalls: Reinforced sidewalls aka maxxis dual ply, conti rain king/der baron/ der kaiser to stop it folding off camber and pinch protection. - Width: generally 2.3 +, although the numbers mean nothing these days but wider = better bounce, grip, stability. And a front: - Light: This gets less heavy knocks and stability is slightly less important. - Grip: Same applied as for rear. - Width: Generally around 2.1 or thereabouts. People will argue over this till the f**kin sun implodes, people ride different stuff and prefer the feel of different tyres so it comes down to personal preference but the above is a general guide. Yeah the Shift is the Stiky light front.. They also do the original Stiky which is a tad heavier but has more meat to the tread and is my preferred front tyre. I run rear Der kaiser or der baron and front try-all stiky, have tried everything else but thats what I prefer. Mismatching front and rear is normal and 98% of people do it.
  18. Well I've never tried one but its more expensive, has a potentially less grippy compound (harder), and to be honest the DK / DB is about as good a tyre as you can get imo so will be hard for he rammstein to be better.
  19. Is it a dual ply Maxxis? If it is, you need to pump it up harder and / or ride smoother. Der baron and der kaiser use the same carcass and compound, so yeah will help for sure.
  20. Get a Der Baron... Narrowest of the 3 tyres, cheaper than the rammstein, tried and tested softer compound, gret sidewalls etc etc. Cut the edge of the tread down if its catching on your frame.
  21. Yeah, Yeandle has changed to Red Rock Geoscience and been taken over by another guy, although they're still in the same office. I work for http://www.swgeotech.co.uk
  22. * Passed. Now get out of my country.
  23. Fair play to you for doing that I have neither the time (well, I'd rather spend it doing other things) but definately not the inclination / know how to do it. Are you in that trade or is it just a hobby?
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