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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Medium...22:18 for me. 175 cranks i think :( With a King.
  2. You're all wrong, that is Stephen Maeder, he was RAD back in the day.
  3. One finger all the way. On a side note, i've never got arm pump from riding trials...I used to get it every day when i was downhilling in the Alps though. It's a b*****d, especially when you're doing 40 MPH/a nice big gap.
  4. Ben and i should be making an appearance kiddies (Y) Hope to see you all there! Woody (Y)
  5. Specialized do a tough looking one, i think it's a kevlar material with padding underneath. It's worth a look...
  6. Lol fair enough, i knew it had a 5 in it somewhere ;) Either way, it's f**king expensive!
  7. I don't think it actually weighs that much to be fair (compared to other DH bikes). It costs a f**king shed load though. 5K i seem to remember? Anyways...
  8. When i went to Llandudno, everyone looked like that... I think they find it impossible to get excited at anything. It's a shame they wern't responsive though (Y)
  9. Where abouts did this happen out of interest? Like where in the country, not 'down the back of the post office near the Safeways and the tramp called Bill that asks us for money' Just interested really (Y) How did you manage to hold onto your bike whilst they kicked the shite out of you? Bad luck, hope you get better soon :-
  10. Jeez, it's like OTN in here! Hehe, welcome to England (Y) Tyre wise, i'd never bother running a Michelin Comp 16/24 2.5, it's just too heavy and un necesarally beefy. A 2.2 is all i'd ever want from a Michelin, though i'd never buy a 2.35 Maxxis, it'd always be a 2.5. I say go 2.2, save some weight and have better mud clearance. Good luck!
  11. N.Wood

    New Shoes?

    On one hand i'm thinking: Who gives a shit about what they look like, if you're riding trials you look like a gimp anyways, we hop up walls on our back wheel!!111one. On the other hand: Why can't they come up with a decently priced NORMAL LOOKING shoe with a decent sole? They'd be quids in (like that woman off smART). On my third hand i'm thinking:What's wrong with 'skate' shoes? I like the bikecykle on the Monty shoe. Incase you forget why you were wearing gay shoes.
  12. If i have to go, i go... But the 2 showers i had today, i didn't piss. Andy's right though, sinks are for pissing yo.
  13. Yeh, another vote for turn to the side before you go up. It kinda turns into a sidehop if you get really sideways. Have a look at some videos, everyone who's semi-decent turns to the side, so take a gander through your vid collection >_<
  14. A combination on front hooks and front taps is a sure fire way to f**k your forks. And headtube for that matter. Erm, if that is what you mean... If not, the 'Hucking' and DH'ing.
  15. N.Wood

    What Is

    About 8 till 10, did that a fair few times in the summer. The longest distance was the London to Brighton bike ride though..
  16. N.Wood


    You az got mad skillzzzz yo
  17. We call them rolling wheelswaps down here. Or if you placed your fronwheel on the wall for longer it'd be just a wheelswap. Pigeon is better though!
  18. "U alrite Woody. Wud i be ok for a lift? Tb darling x" < From Scotty. Oop, just got one now... "Hey hun u k? bah school was shite! oh wells, Tombola man and i are goin to le cine after dinner. Ana wants u. hehe! laterz homedog xxx" I lead a fantastically interesting life.
  19. I'm a fan of the 'squish them under the fork' technique. Though sauce cements them together well too (Y)
  20. A conversion kit consists of 2 spacers and a cog usually. You will need a locked out mech or SS tensioner for it to work. I'm not sure how this wil sort your problem. Check everything in the vacinity as i have said above.
  21. Could be: Chain, Mech, Mech hanger, chainring or sprocket. Pedel forwards, if it catches on the chainring, replace it as it's hooked. Your mech/hanger may be bent, check that. Check everything!
  22. Look more like Shimano XT's to me? Nice bike, my Azonic's kinda like that but a bit less trialsy - Great for crusin' :) Good work :)
  23. Good point (Y) I've never thought of it like that, actually i've never thought the whole SM thing is elitest, but then i can see how it could be percieved to be... Bigger Avatar size is good idea. Though, as i said before, i wouldn't care if all the avatars fell off the face of the earth and never returned.
  24. I'm gonna say no. All the reasons have been listed on the other page, i've never felt the need to be more creative. The only way i can see them being good is for only Mods/Admins/SM's being able to have them, then the numbers are limited and people who desperately want to have a small picture try harder in their posts and become a SM? So like a reward system. I'm probably talking bollocks, i'm tired.
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