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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Yes... The new versions seem to be poop, but light. Read the post above yours :lol:
  2. N.Wood

    Craig Lee Scott

    Haha, welcome Elan! Nice to see you on here :lol: Erm, yeh, i don't like it, everyone else does, oh well.
  3. N.Wood

    Small Biketrial Show

    Yeh if he was going up to front wheel i would have thought he'd be lower and more over the front? Maybe the pic was taken just as he was about to lean over the front or something... My vote goes for drop :lol:
  4. There's one near us that has a gap over some stairs that are technically part of it, but we ride those... But then again, we don't do any damage, and it's away from the actual memorial. We never ride a bench if it's in memory of someone though, and for example today there was a massive rock so we rode over to that to ride, and saw it was in memory of someone... So we didn't ride it. Kinda depends on things like how obvious it is etc.
  5. Noope, the Ronnie's are drilled. I'd go Ronnie, my mates Echo was absolute shite - Only useable as a front rim really. It was full of dents after one ride :lol: He's not running a Ronnie, and hasn't dented it at all, even though he's been running it about 10 times longer than the Echo.
  6. Similar idea to that ^, could you melt a bit of candle wax in there when you know it's at the bottom of the frame? That should stop it rattling i guess?
  7. Haha alright mate... BTW, you're calling ME a bummer?!
  8. Fair enough... But put it this way: I've watched the Koxx Days vids about 20 times over each (there are three of them...) I watched the CLS vid once, then deleted it and downloaded a Vincent teaser in CO.
  9. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I find CLS and Neil Tunnicliffe's riding style boring. I find Hermance, Belaey and Kieta better to watch. Just because you think it's the best thing you've ever seen in the world ever, doesn't mean everyone else has to think that.
  10. What i liked: The riding. What i couldn't stand: The music. The random chav bit. The boring-ness. Overall, i didn't like it.
  11. The trouble with that is that your tyre sticks to the floor and when you slow down your bike gets pulled the opposite way 'cos your tyres kinda re-coiling... Hard to explain without a tyre and a floor (Y) But yeh, practise practise practise...
  12. N.Wood

    Craig Lee Scott

    Some big gap drops, nice rail work. But other than that i thought it was pretty boring/shit with that music and the random chav bit. It's OK on mute i guess.
  13. It is indeed...Has Trail of the Dead : Mach Shau as the first song (Y)
  14. Ask on OTN to get a decent answer... As you know he's been in CO for the Teva games, and has been staying with one of the members on the forum. Ask them what he runs (Y)
  15. Hehe, thats generally how speed is worked out (Y)" Maybe another car was travelling faster than you and they went for them instead?
  16. N.Wood

    £2500 Fine.

    Shit, i didn't know they executed file sharers?!
  17. OTN - Search for 'AndyT Koxx days one' and it should come up (Y)
  18. Ah you legend! I've not seen Jacob for ages... You will own that 32 incher Stephen, i will make sure of it.
  19. N.Wood


    I tell you what, there are some FIT dolphins round here. Also, that man is a twat.
  20. Yo negro's, any of y'all guarnin' down London was on Sunday? Usual time, usual place, i'm sure there'll be some people there... Stephen, Si, Tim, Matt, Chai, Adrian, Adam, Steve? Come along for fun for all the family. Bring your bike. See you there brahs, Woodsta.
  21. Download Kevin's Vince Teaser from WRFP, that uses Gwen's song :)
  22. I prefere a nice loud hub... My old Hope was VERY loud, but i didn't really like it, got annoying after a while. Then i snapped the axle, raped the ratchet etc. so off to Hope it went, left the grease in there, didn't touch it. That was great, was fairly quiet but gradually became a bit louder, and it's great now. It's on my DH bike so it sounds good when it spins in the air (Y) My King is pretty fecking loud at the moment, which i like. Gets a bit annoying going down hills though. Mid-gap though, it sounds awesome.
  23. Arrogant people. Arse lickers. The inability to type. People that say 'wow did you see what i just did?!' when they make a move. (See first point). TheChink being better than me :) Dogs. People thinking they are friends with certain riders 'cos they went on a ride where certain rider turned up to as well. 56K internet connection. Chavs, but also the whole 'I'm against all chavs' culture'. Si is correct, there are people who wear certain clothes that are actually decent people. People on the internet: 1. Not being able to take a joke. 2. Not realising that the internet is NOT REAL LIFE. 3. Thinking they are better than someone else. 4. Typing how they would speak. 5. Thinking they have a custom frame/bike 'cos they re-sprayed it. There NEVER being a toilet around when you need one. The words 'mint' and 'mega'. People who have to ask silly questions. The lack of natural where i live. I think that's all for now... Happy happy fun fun (Y)
  24. N.Wood

    Small Biketrial Show

    Nice pics dude, some good stuff to ride (Y) Is that Rafal Kumorowski (sp?)? S'a shame you didn't have more of an audience, i guess thats just unlucky :) Good work.
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