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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I've heard of FFW (Front FreeWheel) but not FFS, unless used as a 'for fecks sake' type thing.
  2. For the word 'bump', it has 2 meanings on good ol' Trials-Forum... A front bump is where you ram the front wheel into the face of a wall in order to shoot you up and onto your back wheel. However you might see the word 'bump' on topics, this is where you want our post to be at the top of the page again, as has been explained by Siders77 (Y)
  3. Nice diagram (Y) Yeh that stuff is hard for everyone, just the 'what if..' situation. The only real way is to find yourself a flat bit of ground like normal, with the same distance marked using a stick or soemthing, and just do that a few times so you convince yourself that you CAN make the gap. Then it's just a case of going to the gap and doing it... You'll probably find that you found it easy and wonder what you were worrying about! Good luck (Y)
  4. I realise that Hope will replace the rotor for free, and yes i have read all the replies saying that Hope will replace the rotor for free. My post was directed at RyanRs, who asked if Hope still did the Gothic rotors. He said he had not seen the rotors on Hopetech.com, and i replied to phone them to see.
  5. Go to Trashzen (link in me sig.) for happy and fun :shifty:
  6. Yeh, so after looking at the webshite and looking at the stores, there are about 10 in the outskirts of London. However, they're mostly in Essex (somewhere i don't tend to go often), or around Esher. None near me, or in central London. They're definatly a Northern based company, looking at the store distrubution over the UK. They all seem to be in retail parks and the like, and there arn't many of those where i live. I'm suprised Croydon doesn't have one though, it's super cheap/downmarket in Croydon. Anyways, sorry if you just read that, it has about zero relevance to anything. Sorry for the off topic-ness once again.
  7. I have never seen a Wilkinsons in my life. Maybe they don't have them in London, or anywhere else i've been in my life ever.
  8. N.Wood

    A Rear Der.

    Because it will make you ride as well as Vince, deeerrr.....
  9. Sorry for Off Topic-ness, but wtf is Wilko's? A northern supermarket chain? :shifty:
  10. I found that trying to cut a thin slither off a pad with a Stanley knife was pretty much impossible. That was with a Heatsink pad, maybe if you're using some gay piece of shit like a Zoo! pad then you might be ok. I go with the glasspaper idea, or try rubbing it with Muc-Off or Acetone as suggested above :shifty:
  11. N.Wood

    A Rear Der.

    His post was one minute after Mark's post, he was typing as Mark was. Do you not understand?! Koxx have stuck their sticker on the SAME mech, and sold it for a profit. People will buy the VRacing one over the original, because of the name.
  12. Either: Have a look round a few more places, try to find out who Surly are distributed by. Order from America. Buy a King Kog. Thats what i'd say anyways, cogs look good :shifty:
  13. N.Wood

    Silent Brakes

    What pads are you running Felix?
  14. N.Wood

    A Rear Der.

    Not so much copied, as Captain Obvious style re-stickering. There will be people who will buy this mech, those with more money than sense. They could have addressed the chain stay slapping issue and saved 3g or so on that zip tie. Either way, you can't really knock Dominique Hermance's money making schemes.
  15. Regarding the helmet, go to a large bikeshop and try on as many helmets as possible, some makes and styles come up bigger than others, try as many as possible. Try both 'piss pot' style ones, and also standard XC oriented ones.
  16. The only thing i check before every ride, is chainring bolts. Alot of power goes through those things, if one or two are loose it can totally pringle the ring, no matter how old/new it is. Get a decent pot of grease, and a good supply of GT85 or equivalent. Make sure you have as many clean rags as you can lay your oily hands on. I have 4 sets of Allen keys (all Park) in my garage, so theres always one to hand (garage = bomb site)
  17. N.Wood

    A Rear Der.

    Click me, for mech fuelled joy. Werd.
  18. The Avid cable disk. First disk to combine excellent performance with a good price.
  19. Take the cranks off, clean and lightly grease the interface between the crank and the BB. If that doesn't solve it, take the cranks off again, undo the BB cups, de-grease, clean and lightly re-grease the frame's threads and the BB threads. If none of that sorts it, you might have to look into buying a new BB.
  20. Sorry, the songs I listed were for AndyT's Koxx Days 2 vid. Apologies. Why not PM AndrewT for song names :(
  21. Evening boys, girls, and Monkey, On my Azonic jump bike i've got a Hope Mini 165mm rotor on't back, and the rotor managed to smash it's self into a rock at high speed. Sooo... it's gone to a nice Pringle shape. I have a spare 180mm Magura rotor kicking around, so if i bought a +20mm adaptor, would that work? I don't think they (A-2-Z) do a +15mm... On a similar note, i have a plate of Alu about 6mm thick, would that be suitable for making one? I can't verify the quality of the alu, it was picked up in the D+T room, but yeh, i recon it's be possible, just wonder if it'd be strong enough or not? I don't want me back brake failing on me... Cheers for your help guys and girls, Woody.
  22. Me too, but that wasn't my point.
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