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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Would it be gay if i, say, posted a picture of my cock on an internet trials forum? :closedeyes:
  2. I bet that taps like a beast.
  3. N.Wood

    Corsa Sri 8 V

    Confused.com :closedeyes:
  4. Yeh, pretending to be rich. It's cheap yellow gold usually. And the Burberry is usually a knock-off from the local market. Burberry coats are around the £600 mark in London. Who has the best car out of the Fort Collins crew? Elan has an Impreza right?
  5. A chav is somone who wears Burberry, lots of 'bling' and generally causes trouble. It's an acronym (? ) for Council House And Violence, apparently. Chavscum.co.uk will give you some ideas. Were you ever in the Marines Andrew?
  6. I'm just guessing here, but natural body stucture? I guess for the same reasons there's very few black swimmers. Maybe fast/slow twitch muscles? On the point of the white radio stations/TV programmes, what Mark is saying is right. The whole of TV is basically white, as a base from whih everything sprung from. There are now tangents coming off this white-ness catering for minorities such as asians, blacks etc.
  7. What have you let yourself in for... Were you in the Marines? (Navy seals or wtf they're called over there?)
  8. Where was that picture taken Si-man? Nice ride, good to see innovation.
  9. Ooh snap. Dual disks motherf**ker.
  10. Andy, do you like English people when they come on OTN? I know i do.
  11. You could have fun with spacers and go wild. In theory, yeh you could if you set them up right, but in practise it's probably a bit on the shady side.
  12. I've been using a rear 2.5 Minion DP for ages now, and the major advantage is the wear rate. I can't remember when i bought my tyre, but it has been over 9 months. The grip isn't amazing, but for street i've found them to be more than enough. If you ride natural all the time it might be worth looking elsewhere.. Having said that, Martyn Ashton seems to get on OK with his so...
  13. Gazzalodi do tyres up to 3". Have a look for them. Whether they'll fit in your frame or not is another matter.
  14. Erm.. no. The Maxxis Maxxpro 60a compound has the red line around them, and this is fine and what many people use. There is an OEM 70a compound which should be discarded at first use - This does not have the red line. Any tyre in the Maxxpro compound will have the red line, and will be fine.
  15. I'm disappointed no one's made a cock joke as yet. :lol:
  16. I don't like it when West Indians kiss their teeth at white people, then when you happen to kiss your teeth back ( :lol: ), they have a go for being racist. Also, when people pull out the 'race card' - i.e saying 'just 'cos i'm black, you tell me to f**k off' or whatever, when it was clearly just because they were doing something wrong. And of all the times i've had problems with people (bike robbery, can throwing, muggings, threats etc), they have ALL been from black people. But then i don't have a problem with most Indians as they tend to keep themselves to themselves a bit more (where i live anyways). Apart from when they call me when i'm having dinner :lol: , bastards.
  17. Over 3 years of trials: Hope XC rear axle Giant forks at the steerer A mech hanger 3 chains That's it i think... You people need to ride smoother :)
  18. Personal preference, everyone has a person, everyone has a preference. Koxx's will be a bit shite for street riders 'cos they'll wear out in a day, whereas a Minion in Maxxpro 60a will be good for street, a bit rubbish on rocks. Etc etc.
  19. Stop being a pussy and ride. To be fair, i'd prefere to live here than Ethiopia.
  20. Yeh try not to go into F1 racing, that shit needs dorruh. Trials is probably the cheapest of all the cycling disciplines.
  21. Chuck Norris does not sleep, he waits.
  22. Haha nice, i think you might start a trend off there!
  23. Hope don't make rear hubs for mods. I'd go with Echo rear, Hope front, as you say :lol:
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