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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Just takes practise. It's similar in technique to a wheelswap. It'll click one day and yo'll be able to do it.
  2. Nah, it's a Vince Hook, obviously My post above explains it all in technicolour glory
  3. Thats a pretty drop. On the hook side of things, i do them sometimes for a different/more challenging way of getting up something. I call it a Vince Hook (after Vince Noir... cool people know, if you don't then you're a fag) but whatever, it's kind of a hook i guess.
  4. Thank f**k he went there and not here
  5. If i'm back from Shropshire in time, i'll see you thugz there.
  6. WOW YOU LEGEND!! I ran gears for about 2 years but decided to go single speed after my King slipped and a rock raped my shifter. I'm using a small bit of cable in my rear mech to keep it tight, works ill.
  7. Great post! Some dece pics. Jack has sweet moon boots.
  8. The pollution over London keeps mine warm
  9. Good luck with it all, i don't know much about Young Enterprise but there seems to be haters, oh well.
  10. Drill the split for weight save!
  11. CLS and Tunni are probably the best riders the world has and will ever see, i think they are amazing and if they entered the world cups they would win every time, for sure.
  12. Hmm... In this case Deng>Dominique. ECHOOOOOOO
  13. Also, 'cos of global warming the polar ice caps are melting, diluting the ocean meaning the conveyer belt that is the Gulf Stream is slowing down, which means less and less warm water is being brought up from the Carribean which is the only thing stopping us from being as cold as Moscow and Canada (same latitude you see). Soooooo... that means in a few years theres a very good chance of our winters being in the minus figures permanently, like in Moscow. That is, of course, unless we get hit my an asteroid before hand!
  14. I'll be f**ked if i know what that is, but looks ok... I seem to remember X-Dream or soemone having a similar thing though? Five out of ten.
  15. N.Wood

    Music Choice

    Yeh whack it in, so what if no one likes it, i'd respect you for trying something new!
  16. Whatever i put won't be cool enough so i used the TF tape measure to get a figure of 10.629 foot flat to flat.
  17. Holy gay... Go ride a bike people.
  18. Search for it nukka, theres been loads of topics asking exactly the same question as you have there.. good luck
  19. So whats this thread about again? Maaaaad paint skillz yo.
  20. I went for a ride on some pallets, that was pretty cold.
  21. Second hand? Look at US websites too.
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