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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Random wheels on that bad boy? I'd go German, and everyone knows Audi makes the best cars in the world. Maybe try looking in auctions in your area George? For most of us it comes down to insurance, getting a decent motor for £4k won't be too hard.
  2. Depends on where you live too i guess, i know i'd have no chance getting anywhere near a bus here with a bike without being raped. And the f**kers make you pay £1.50
  3. Haha Dan Pepin, those were the days! I wonder if he found his pump or if he's still running flat tyres He was pretty good on that London ride, i remember him impressing me muchly with a few sidehops he did. Erm, the site is nice?
  4. The Marks and Sparks chicken i bought today was from Oakham. It's free range and organic. It tastes nice grilled.
  5. Don't the new pads come with a spring too? Don't quote me on that, i'm just going from Hope ones...
  6. Avid BB7/BB5 + De-awe-some lever + decent ish housing = a decent brake.
  7. I gave up and found an old one to fit to be honest. Heating it up with a hair dryer on the hottest setting helped a fair bit though, try and get a mate/dad/Santa to help you.
  8. They have f**king great big holes in them, what do you expect How well do they hold a grind out of interest? Similar to Ronnie/similar to Try-All?
  9. I'd buy one, i need some wanking material.
  10. Savage, hope it turns up dude.
  11. I live on the Kent/London border in Bromley. My msn is in my profile if you want to hook, like carp.
  12. Haha.... CLS and Tunni are my favorite riders in the world... They're also my best mates, hey guys!
  13. I used to run a Hope Mini 165mm on the bakc of my trials bike (now on my jump bike) and i progressed so much when i changed from a Mini to a Magura. Unless you were getting a Mono Trials, I'd stick with Magura/V brakes.
  14. Respect for riding with V's... Maybe people will realise they're decent brakes My profile says i ride stock so i guess that must be right.
  15. All forms of mountain biking, used to compete in some XC series' around the south east, came second in the SEMBS and annoyed lots of xc gays. Dabbled in DH and used to do a few BSX races. Gave them up when i got better and moved away from any mud of any kind, trials is alot more accessable. I still have me Azonic DS1 and i go for the odd razz around doing some bunnyhops and jumping off extreme curbs etc.
  16. Six foot or so. Anything more is pointless in my eyes. Also, i'd rather see a silky smooth 6 foot drop than a retarded 11 foot one.
  17. Real ballerz use VP's? Personal preference i guess. Pleasant bike, though the wheels are too small!
  18. N.Wood

    New Coustellier Vid

    Yeh mang, thas how real ballers do. Thomas is smoooooth. Another thankyou to Kevin!
  19. Stem stackers + cut down bars = ~£1.99? Worth a try anyways?
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