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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. My VP's have lasted about 7 months now. Non UCI riding is for gays.
  2. Try not to pour it down the drain either i guess... And if you have to, it's probably be good to dilute it as much as possible. Should have all the warnings on the back of the bottle/canister. Also, if you were being extra careful it'd probably be a good idea to do it when there were other people around.
  3. Ahh the good old days! Pogs, Boneheads (i htink thats what they were called.. small plastic things you used to throw at other small plastic figures to win them, football cards (always used to be some kid who didn't want his naymore and shout 'SCRAMBLE!!!' and lob them in the air in the middle of the playground for evevryone to go nuts over ), 40/40, yoyo's (i was the first to have one of those ones with the clutch in them, i could out-sleeper all those jokers!), and Pokemon but only the tardy kids played with them (i was too old). Probably some other things that i forgot. There was this massive bush that had some white, 1cm sized berries on them that popped when you lobbed them at people, they were fun. And sticky darts! They were the best... The barbed bit ontop of long grass you could pick off and lob at people and they'd get stick in their jumpers or whatevevr. Also, that green plant thats really sticky and grabs anything, that was cool. I'll edit as i think of more.
  4. Yeh same here, platforms are only used on my Jump bike, V8's hurt my poor wee feet. And yeh, they usually have to be taken out with plyers which is easier said then done when they've been attacked by concrete, rock and mud.
  5. Real ballers use VP's. Once of mine is held together with a brass screw though.
  6. I'm still happy with my (now pretty old skool) 1080 Koxx Levelboss. I may have to build up the old Giant to fit in with the crowd though, i'd hate to be different!
  7. N.Wood

    Urban Legend

    I would have thought so. What Adam's saying is that if it went all the way on now, in the future it'd be too loose because the metal is stretched each time you install/remove the crank. ISIS cranks have a taper on them, if it was all the way up the crank now it'd be too loose in the future. Bolt wise, i'd use whichever you like, the gap won't make any difference. There's enough crank/spindle interface to make it safe, and as has been said above, it'll get smaller.
  8. I'll see you thugs there. Probably bring Ben 'Fronthop' Murray with me too.
  9. Anything by Giro - Pick by your budget. Make sure you try one on, then order it from the internet rather than just ordering it straight from a site.
  10. N.Wood

    2006 Echo Pure

    Looks pretty awesome to moi, kinda ol' skool. Those tyres look like they belong on an Apollo, though. Anyone know the geometry?
  11. N.Wood

    Best Cereal

    Coke in the mornings?! I blame the parents x x x
  12. N.Wood

    Faking It...

    Not entirely sure how it works but surely someone, somewhere must have a record of your results? The school database/OCR/EdExcel/WJEC etc's databases?
  13. Tip from me: 2006 is the year for bright colours. I think it's look alot better against a different back ground colour without the harsh lighting. I'd rock one if i was given it.
  14. N.Wood

    Best Cereal

    I have cheese and pepper muffins with butter and orange juice in the mornings. Best cereal is Ricycles or frosted wheats.
  15. Real ballerz learn to sidehop to both sides, it helps a fair bit Give it a go when you're fairly confident going to your 'good' side.
  16. Looks like he's havin' a tommy tank.
  17. Without sounding like a 'tard, try tightening the bolts up harder? Don't swing off the wrench, but you know... There's my useful contribution for the day
  18. There was a time when validation didn't exist, so the older members like myself didn't have to validate. Post well and use caps and punctuation where applicable and you'll get validated.
  19. I'd be put off simply because of the arrogance in this thread...
  20. N.Wood

    King Casing

    Or Bromley Bikes - The official importers of King goods to the UK.
  21. Literocola, are you a member of OTN? Theres loads of guys there from in and around Denver (Manitou Springs, Fort Collins, CSU etc) that might be able to meet up and help you out with some stuff. Apologies for the slightly harsh welcome, just slang/language barriers becoming apparent Rim crushers are either V brakes (cable operated) or Magura brakes (hydraulically operated). Disks can also be hydraulically or cable operated. Disks on the back are generally not used due to the frame breaking problems and are sometimes high maintainance. Magura rim brakes and V brakes can have the rim ground for better braking affect. This produces an 'off/on' feel rather than a more progressive one, which is largely prefered on the rear whereas a front brake that can modulate is a great help. Good luck! Woody.
  22. I'll probably do it again, 'twill be my 5th time And word to Bigman's comment, Ditchling Beacon is a fanny of a hill. Some dude did it on a unicycle last year
  23. N.Wood

    Czar Frames

    Good to see someone else still rockin' an X517 front rim! Nice bike btw Bar-wise, i waaaay prefere my Pazzaz risers to any other bars i've tried, i feel i can pull the front end up alot easier which makes natural riding much easier.
  24. A dog shitting/pissing isn't the dogs fault, it's the owners. In my mind, anyone who owns a dog without land is a twit - dogs need to run when they want not when it's convenient. Dogs should be kept for security and hunting only in my opinion. Cats are for cuddling.
  25. £30 per bus journey? BTW this is in London, i remember the days when it was 40p. TFL ***.
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