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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. This sounds completely made up, sorry.
  2. Eating a carrot leaving the inner 'core' till last as it's a nice texture to eat on its own.
  3. Sick Aldi trainers. Had to stop half way through, booooring.
  4. Waterproofed things. Goretex coats/trousers, waxed cars etc. Having things very clean and polished and working to the best of the objects 'ability'.
  5. N.Wood

    Tig Welding

    Can you electrocute yourself doing this shit?
  6. Send it back and see whats on. If they send it back or whatever, try degreasing and re-lubing. Might be a bit of sand or summat in there, but might be a snapped pawl or spring too.
  7. Grass is always greener. Riding wise it's good here though.
  8. Who is John Doe? A rip off (female?) John Deere?
  9. In trials you spend a lot of time on the back wheel, so we generally have wider on rear and light, thinner tyre on the front.
  10. Exactly, the numbers are basically meaningless, it's more a comparison figure between the brakes that is important, how they stack up against each other in the same conditions.
  11. Hull was actually not as bad as I expected it to be. I stayed in Patrington for a week. Nice Tesco Extra.
  12. That makes me feel better. I (and my family for that matter) only ever pay cash for cars, the above explains why you see a lot of crack asses driving £25k+ cars.
  13. Whats the split with people paying cash for cars Vs getting finance?
  14. Had such a good time he's just come to terms with the fact it's now over.
  15. Could try some Smartwool or similar glove liners? Won;t help with the wind / rain but will help keep you warm.
  16. Blizzaks are on, bring me that snow.
  17. Kinda like my old Koxx, looks good!
  18. Now and again, think we went down twice last summer? Try and work it into a trip to Falmouth or somewhere. Hard to guarantee the weather / tides to make the trip worthwhile, but try to as much as possible
  19. Finally! A subject I am an expert in! Do you have a picture? If not, a description of the stool in question? Thanks!
  20. Sneak peak 2014 prototype ride. The rider chose a remote cornish location for the first test, this pic has just been leaked.
  21. N.Wood


    Correct. Which is why hooking is one of the hardest moves to master. Just gotta practise practise practise.
  22. Are you doing it in the bathroom?
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