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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Dearest Stephen only has a wee plastic mini seat on his Leeson, and i'm not sure he can even put a proper post in there? Try learning on Tim's BMX and see how that goes? Best wishes from myself and the family.
  2. Savage! Did that happen at the blocks between Shell and the Eye?
  3. If you're a lard arse/a very very good rider then it may make a difference in strength. But if you just do small holes you'll be fine. If it's just the look you want, don't drill all the way through the rim wall, just enough to make a circle of exposed metal. For everyone who says don't drill the join, if you're relitively at ease with tools and the way things work, you'll realise the majority of rims are pinned at the join. So the metal is extruded through a die, bent into shape, and 2 pins lock into each other at the join, leaving a gap between the pins. With the correct size drill bit you can drill in between these pins without any problem. Then you can use this as a valve hole, and drill the current valve hole to the size of the others.
  5. I had the end of school 2 weeks ago bitches! We spent the whole day chilling in one of the garden bits at school, really nice and peaceful. Then pretty much our whole year went to the chateau down the road and sat outside on one huuuuge table and drunk. Got my 6th form ball on the 1st July on a boat on't Thames, should be funs.
  6. Good man! Any Smiths, Sonic Youth, Depeche Mode songs are awesome. Some of my faves: Salt 'n' Peppa - Push it Beastie Boys - Fight for your right (to party) New Order - Blue Monday Black Sabbath - War Pigs
  7. I watched the whole 'Who Do You Think You Are?' on UK Bright Ideas about Jeremy Clarkson and his jars. Fact. More facts to come once i get my FHM calendar out, fact fans.
  8. You are talking about JUST the silver bits arn't you? If you are, then fair play, but if not your frame is somehow brokenated, as the blue, fatter bits arn't meant to go in your dropouts.
  9. N.Wood


    The last time i had a computer on my bike was when i was between 7 and 9. I hit 21mph down my lil cul-de-sac which was flat, but i had about 20meters of 13% incline to help at the start. That was on a 20" Raleigh Max Extreme. I think i win the coolness prize
  10. N.Wood

    A Shot

    Looks like water damage! But yeh, i can see how it could look good? Just looks a bit odd to me, sorry dude!
  11. To see if there are riders in your area to advise you, take a look on OTN, as there are loads of Aussie riders. They may be able to give you more hands on advice.
  12. I recon it would indeed, but might be ok if you spent some time over it? :donno: *shrug* :gay:
  13. Just to throw an idea into the (paint.. ha!) pot, how would laquer that had been painted on look? 'Cos you can but just a pot of it that you paint on with a brush, and you could mix it yourself using food dye or similar.
  14. Dear oh dear. "you may as well use a chipolata for a brake pad if you use tar" - Matthew 4:9
  15. THIS IS NOT PHOTOSHOPPED! I saw Vince riding it in an Andy T movie! Sit back, and watch *taps fingers*
  16. Odd, i've used 2 pairs of clear Try-All grips on the trot, and i love them. I always use gloves (Troy Lee and Specialized) and have found them great.
  17. Woo! Good man, i saw an MTM tuned RS6 saloon the other day, a little bit of wee came out.
  18. I'd like: My A levels to go well - BBC would be grand An Audi RS6 Estate Some bike bits and bobs An inner tube producing machine A wonderous lady friend My mates to live within a 10 minute stumbling distance of me Some new 'kin terrain to ride! Grrr.... The Smiths back catalogue All the small electrical gadgets everyone but me seems to have An MP3 player with every song ever made on it. A new computer with broadband. And that'll do for now.
  19. Getting like this in some places all over the country, unfortunately. My nice lil bit of suburbia is completely safe, never had any problems whatsoever. No graffiti, very little drunkeness, certainly no gun crime or whatever. But then again, you pay a premium for the privalege... An area about 10 miles of here called Purley is the UK's most expensive post code apparently. This is what makes London odd. There are areas completely fine and posh, then utterly shite areas right next to each other. Anyone who's ever been to Dulwich will know what i mean: Hollywood stars buy their houses there in Dulwich Village, and yet not a mile down the road is Lewisham and some of the roughest areas in the UK. Anywho... In Central London (City especially) i've never had any problems of any kind.
  20. Meoww. If you put a post up about your bike, then you have to expect people not to like it. Thats the way things work. By putting my opinions up in a simple, list-format for you to read, it'd give you a better idea of why it's not to my taste rather than 'iT luKs gAy m8!1'. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
  21. Haha, that is actually the worst looking frame i've ever seen, but if you like it then... ok. I thought the whole 'crazy colours' phase was played out about 3 years ago, as Simon said. My problems with it: 1. I hate those Monty frames, lurid colour or no lurid colour. 2. It's pink. 3. It's a mod. 4. It's pink. I like: 1. Thriftyness. And there we are.
  22. It'll lock well (i.e come on very fast/hard/sharp), but then under load it'll slip.
  23. Jesus that looks like a grim place to live/ride
  24. I bought Redline today to see if they had some advertisments including gear shift gaitors, and the free gift was an England flag. Needless to say thats going nowhere near my car.
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