Can only echo what others have said, and glad its doing well on youtube. Nice to read all the comments left on his facebook.
Martin was in the end crash sequence holding the crash mat. Shout out to my bro George Gori.
Uh oh... I have to be dragged up north (kicking and screaming obviously, ugh northerners) to Hull for a wedding tomorrow. Will I need a snorkel? In Willerby or someshit.
Jesus Adam get it together!
Thats a handy comparison sheet, breifly ridden a Skye Team but Arcade geo would suit me better if I could ride one of these sorta bikes.
Fair bit of riding around Worthing, and used to be loads of riders. I think a lot of them have now stopped, but I'm sure there are still a few about. Think there are some riders in Brighton / Lewes too.
Surely anything thats not 100% risk free and is 100% guarenteed IS gambling?
I have money in stocks and you'd be stupid to think it's a risk free strategy.
There are also lots of people who think they are good and are not.
Its hard to give a breakdown on whos done what over the years as so much stuff has gone on. Sometimes the join dates are shown on profiles, all started from Section 7 / / Tenby trials etc and kinda conglomerated into here. Tomturd and Danny own and are admins of this site. Think it started in like 2001 or so? Also cant remember if it was here or OTN but there was a big server crash in the early days and everyone had to sign up again.
I was on here under another name from when I left then forgot the password and signed up again in 2003.