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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Interesting website i found that seems to give very honest and accurate readings. UK Speedtraps Also has info on jammers/detectors etc.
  2. So has anyone got his number? My mate is buying a bike from him but doesn't have his mobile number. PM me if you have it, cheers, Woody.
  3. You know your fat when you know what it likes to do during it's spare time, who it fancies, what it's favorite drink is, etc.
  4. The Smiths - The very best of.
  5. N.Wood

    Revenge Tactics

    Jesus, trials riders are violent
  6. Depends what you class as drunk. People who are drunk at 15 could have had a Reef and be pissed. people who've been at uni for the past 7 year could have had 10 reefs and be fine. I've had 4 Magners and a Strongbow, i'm OK at the moment. Bedtime soon.
  7. Nowt wrong w'it bein' southern
  8. Tap it with a bit of wood or summat, and see if it sounds as though there are bits rattling around inside it. The honeycomb can breakup and fragment, causing blockages and affecting gas escape.
  9. I think we need another post to tell you to wear a helmet. Helmets are only like £50, for something that'll possibly save your life and will last years. Ask your mum or something, and if she says no, make her feel guilty by cracking your head open when you fall off your bike. That'll learn her.
  10. Bumpity bump... Just got in from partaying/sleeping. Got B C C, in Media Studies, Geography and Geology respectively. Was sent a letter saying i'd been accepted to my first choice before i got my results, so that took the pressure off. Happy with that, consistent with last year.
  11. Moi? I'm still a mere 17 years of age (18 at the end of this month), and should be offskis to Plymouth in September all being well and good
  12. Eek. Though i havn't given it too much thought, what will be will be. Will probably be a bit more worried at 10 tommorow. I'll edit and make this post useful at some point.
  13. N.Wood

    First Car

    I found it useful to have a look around and find any car (not neccesarily for sale) that you think fits the bill, write down the regestration, and whack that into confused.com/whatever you use. As some cars can have the same engine, but one will be classed as a higher risk than the other, making it more expensive.
  14. I went to Lidls yesterday for the first time ever (it was cos we were camping in Eastbourne...) and thats the funniest shop i've ever been into. How people buy their food from there, i have no idea. Cheap cider though. Cheap everything actually. And thoughtfully named condoms - 'Eruption' Nice tool kit. I can also reccomend their plates and chocolate covered raisins.
  15. Geology Rocks! Anyways, twill be good to have a fellow trialster to talk geology with on rides. See you there.
  16. So it's that time again. I'm offskis to Plymouth uni, and i'd like to know if anyone else is going there so i can ride (with) them. And i guessed many were in a similar situation. So if you're off to uni this year, list whereabouts/what course. I'm studying Applied Geology. Shoot...
  17. I'm not a very spontaineous person, but our flights to Ireland were cancelled recently due to the terrorist f**kers, so we jumped in the car and just travelled to a place none of us had ever been.. The New Forest. Turned out everyone in the south of England had gone there for their holiday so was fully booked, so ended up staying in an odd b&b between portsmouth and Southampton.
  18. Inbox: "Heya Nick, can u tell mum and dad that i'm gettin' the 6:30 train to Shoreham! Cheers bud!" "Do you think he's gay or has a disabled voice?" "i'm not in oday brother but if you're in durin the week i'll drop it off" Sent: "Hey hun, whats up? I'd ring but i'm not at home. txt/ring if you need a chat yeh, the girls seem to be being a bit twat-ish atm. Lemme know you're ok though, 'cos for all we know you could be in Kazakstan or somewhere equally as gash. ta ra! xxx" "Safe negro" "We're all going down t'railway for luncheon if you fancy it? Be sure to bring zyder tokens. Btw we'll hit up clare island h/core like they wouldn't belive. rape? yes."
  19. Werd JT. It was either Brett McCulloch or Morley who had a post mount fitted to his frame and forks as he had a deal with Desalvo i think it was about a year or 2 ago. He used front and rear BB7's without adaptors. Not exactly brand spank-me new...
  20. Right, i'll presume you know how to crack that little hoare apart. If not, it's on the Hope website and plastered all over this forum with a search Once it's apart, lay all the pawls and springs on a bit of cloth and make sure they're safe. With WD40/GT85 in hand, blast all the shite from the pawls/springs/ratchet ring. Clean them up with the cloth and use a degreaser to clean them all up shiny if you like. Then get some chain lube (Tri-Flow or similar) and squirt a little onto the ratchet ring and spread around. You can use a small dollop of grease on either end of the 3 springs to help them seat to the pawl/ratchet body correctly. Reassemble and you're done.
  21. Sorry to kinda jack this thread, but i wondered whether putting the grinding wheel at a slight offset to centre would create a bad-in-the-ass grind. As it'd bounce all over the shop... Hmm....
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