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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Pete, should have come out today, very nice weather! Darren's brake f**ked up, Alex's headset raped itself and he got a puncture, other than that I had a good ride
  2. I always buy 2 bags of apples when i pop to Stainsburys and Have recently been into buying smoked mackrel. Can't say I've noticed any difference, but then I've never dipped below a level of fruit/veg to make a difference. Frozen packs of mixed veg are awesome, just whack in microwave and you don't have to chop anything etc
  3. Personal statements are things you send to uni's to tell them about yourself. As trials is a large part of most of our lives, he was wondering if he should mention it or if i t could be mis-read as vandalism
  4. Trashzen link in my sig is very useful. I can do like 2" or something.
  5. I did, but only mentioned comps and stuff i seem to remember. I concentrated on telling them how its developed me as a person. Also told them about my few years racing XC and my 5 London to Brighton runs. Depends on course, but you can mention the technical/mechanical side of it too.
  6. Not sure that's a problem with poopipe
  7. Its like the turning circle of a 306 GTI-6, worse than a truck
  8. Legend, thanks very much dude Thanks for your help fella, all sorted now 76.67%, cashback
  9. Best headset I've ever used? £10 one from Tart, not touched, nuffin. Has been running smoother than my Hope from day 1, and it hasn't fallen apart like my Hope did either. Lighter than a Pig (equally as good, though i killed mine too)
  10. Yo, I have a new laptop (Dell Inspiron 1300) and it doesn't have Windows Word or Excel. It has Works, but that seems largely useless. I'm on uni internet and therefore can't download anything from Limewire etc. I tried download.com, but they only seem to cater for patches and updates rather than the whole file. What can i do? Its pretty urgent, I need to get my test results that were sent to me in Excel format! Ta, Nick.
  11. There's an E55 AMG estate whizzing round London, I f**king love that car.
  12. May well be riding tonight. What time are you out Darren? Theres a ride on Saturday (look in rides/locations) that I'll be attending
  13. Pads and freewheel are all thats important for now.
  14. Yeah with the advent of the Avid BB7/Hope Mono Trials the brakes are powerful enough, and with disk-specific frames popping up all over the shop the frames can now handle the extra stress placed upon them. Lots of people seem to swear by 'em
  15. The pic of the LP640? They're brand new are they not? Unless you mean the Gallardo, in which case yes, but thats not what the 'revealed' corresponds with.
  16. Hmmm... Should I really watch this if I'm trying to get motivated and go for a ride? Will edit if i become less of a pussy. EDIT: Ok, back from a quick ride, watched, looks painful but i recon from a different angle it'd look worse.
  17. Wasn't that a Gallardo though? Not that it matters as seems they're show only. I'd be happy if i got to drive a 535d all day! Especially if i could sent it to a certain Ant and Pete
  18. Darren's work well Pete? Edit: Quoted Pete before i read whole thread, go me! But yes.
  19. First DIY topic on TF?! Looks good, hope it all works out well for you
  20. This week: Listening to music from Youtube (uni blocks Limewire etc) Going to various London club's websites and getting their playlists to remind me of the hardcore times P A R T Y -ing back at home. Buy one get one free offers. Joy Division
  21. If you need long lasting go with the Koxx Browns.
  22. There are loads in Worthing, which is the other side of Shoreham and Lancing and all that jazz. A bloke called Seb lives/ed there though he may be at uni in Birmingham.
  23. That's a lifesize representation of my penis. Fact.
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