I think your point about 'buy painted, not anodized' point may well be true in that painting is better for the environment, but trials parts are tiny compared to the industrial uses for anodizing. If all trials parts were painted and not anodized, then we checked the readings for global change, I'm pretty sure the results would be so small they would not show up. I think this would be interesting if trials was as big as football, then the numbers involved would be much larger. On a person to person basis, its probably a pretty damaging sport compared to other sports. However, its so small it barely makes a difference. There must be alot of old, good quality metal floating around from ex-frames that would be good to recycle. On a side note, are trains as environmentally friendly as cars? Consider the amount of fuel needed to be burnt to produce the electricity they need? Who knows. EDIT: Spunkey_money_boy, have you been reading a Howies catalogue by any chance?