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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Golden leaf designs inc.... Never heard of them, what do they do? I also didn't know London has a trials league.
  2. May have something to do with it...
  3. My elbows were clicking like a motherbitch last night after a ride. I also experienced cramp alot during my younger years, and found Lucozade during and/or after a ride really helped. Hot baths also helped, and plenty of fluids.
  4. Wishing all four of you well for the future!
  5. Sweet Linkin Park song! Congratulations on the sponsorship.
  6. N.Wood

    Leeson 609

    CRYSTAL PALACE!!!!!!!! I lived there for 13 years of my life, still have a house there but have moved to Bromley. Good times were spent in CP park. Oh yeh, bike looks good
  7. Bah, they're all just jealous of your great music taste.
  8. Why the :$ ?! This Charming Man reminds me of some of my first clubbing experiences in little indie clubs in London, 'THIS CHAAAAAAARRRMING MAAAANNNN!!'
  9. Amazing, was gonna post in the OTN thread but TF got there first. Awesome editing and riding, generally looks great!
  10. Hey by the Pixies, listened to it on the way to my first (and last!) comp and reminds me of the first time i was in someone elses car other than family members/taxis.
  11. I agree with you, taking shortcuts in life is no way to live. You could give him links as to where he can download his own tracks, or give him a couple of old tracks so he has something to play with and get used to the deck if you felt bad about it
  12. Urban Outfitters, Rockit. The cool places to be.
  13. N.Wood


    Its like having real friends!
  14. He is in it to make a living though Pete, good businessmen are ruthless and don't give a shit about anything other than making money, making business. May not be the nicest/most sensitive people, but business (or salesmen as you say) are out to make money.
  15. Cool, any details on it? Like is it manned, free, open, bookings only, whatever?
  16. Holy shit Joy Division batman
  17. Haha, I remember the days when we were riding at a similar standard... Needless to say, you've progressed lots, nice work
  18. Sounds like a new brand of Spanish beer! Looks nice, i like the decals
  19. Are they backings from Anders Kolpen? Bike looks swish.
  20. I totally did some geological mapping there the other week
  21. I wish i had balls to try the "small" gap to front! Nice pictors
  22. The numbers outside your house, eg 32 Ravenswood Avenue.
  23. I'm glad this is the way of the world. It means people who want to go forward in life, have a thirst for knowledge etc can research anything they want, become more intelligent and have a better life. Those who quit school as soon as possible, have no aspirations etc will provide services for those who have learnt their own stuff off their own back. Of course there are many exceptions, and many of the worlds richest don't have a degree. Sorry if this sounds arrogant in some way, but its the way the world works. If everyone earnt the same money as a result of having the same education, the world cease to function. Of course this is partially bollocks as success is not dependant on formal education, and 2878479 other factors are involved.
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