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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. I'm pretty certain God made them both from clay, at the same time.
  2. Howdy Campers. I need to know what the best tensioner to use with CK Fun Bolts/Hope Pro2T bolts. Is it worth the money for a Rohloff? Or is the 74Kingz fella better, and cheaper? Ta la.
  3. N.Wood

    New Video

    Just because you posted the vid twice, and bumped it within 24 hours, doesn't make it any better of a video, or make any more people comment.
  4. Those Dorado's are great forks, did you get them off a giant DH bike? I thought the blue ones wern't sold seperately?
  5. I ran a king for years, and was great for the first year and into the second year, but it skipped constantly and the final nail in the coffin was it skipping a full rotation where i could have died pretty easy. I now have a Pro2T, and so far its been awesome. I trust it loads more than i ever did with my King. For the maintainance issue, i know how to clean/lube them, as do the UK importers. It used to skip now and again and it'd be fine after i cleaned it. but it didn't matter what i did to it, it'd still skip.
  6. Are Prickley (sp?) Heat and heat rash the same thing?
  7. Loads of riders in Worthing, which is... what, 3/4 little sea-side towns along the coast (Hove/Shoreham-by-Sea/Widewater/Lancing?) and they seem to ride in Brighton a fair bit.
  8. Just give them a lump of tar? A leaflet would be good.
  9. I'm pretty sure car crime is a more widespread, more common problem.
  10. I'm there on Friday 16th I tell you...
  11. Honesty box or something could work, if you just want a little revenue to buy like... er, gravel??
  12. If it was a quarry, did they used to have electricity/water?
  13. Both my King and my Hope hubs are black. My rim is gold. I just have no taste/style/panache. So no, performance for me please
  14. 3% have been sent back to Hope to have a new hub shell after they split. They've reinforced the area with extra metal, making it 10% in that area. Have a look on Tartybikes, reinforced ones cost £130 i believe, with the older ones being £110.
  15. Good luck with it Ali, hope all goes well for you! One thing to add... Toilets. A shack type arrangement like they have at Penshurst (P.O.R.C) with toilets/drink facilities would be one of the best ways i think
  16. I've not heard any reviews on the hub, but I'd stay away. Stick to Hope/King/Profile
  17. Does no one understand what gentlemanly questions are and are not these days? Everyone knows to not ask how much you earn
  18. Brilliant, ah the good old days.... That bit with Hawyes saying 'not that bothered really' made me laugh more than anything i've found on the internet. Cheers Ad!
  19. My King skipped like a kangaroo. Now own a Hope.
  20. 6 in total, 4 at 1 in the morning and 2 at about 10. Some with lemon and sugar, some with golden syrup. Thin or thick?
  21. Trackstand, i think. Took me ages to learn shit.
  22. Finish uni in a few years time, move into the oil and gas industry, or other forms of economic geology.
  23. He did, but his fork mount snapped so changed to a V. Nice pictors, thankies :kiss:
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