Not neccesarily. I like to ride my bike, go drinking, dick about with my car etc, but i also immerse myself in the future as much as i can. I visit car forums which arn't full of 18 year olds, most of the members are 30+, many are millionaires and a minority are minor celebrities/royalty. I am interested in the way older, rich people live their lives, and have visited many forums that deal with this kinda lifestyle. I read the Careers section of the Times and have various bit of paper with post-grad. jobs on for future refrence and general research. Others may not think about this sort of thing, but the better prepared I am for when i can start earning money, the better. In this way I hope to get a better job and have more money to spend on the things i will probably like at the time... Wines, watches, cars, boats etc. Having said this, I'm sure others can attest to the fact i'm not *that* much of an old man when out and about!