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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Not neccesarily. I like to ride my bike, go drinking, dick about with my car etc, but i also immerse myself in the future as much as i can. I visit car forums which arn't full of 18 year olds, most of the members are 30+, many are millionaires and a minority are minor celebrities/royalty. I am interested in the way older, rich people live their lives, and have visited many forums that deal with this kinda lifestyle. I read the Careers section of the Times and have various bit of paper with post-grad. jobs on for future refrence and general research. Others may not think about this sort of thing, but the better prepared I am for when i can start earning money, the better. In this way I hope to get a better job and have more money to spend on the things i will probably like at the time... Wines, watches, cars, boats etc. Having said this, I'm sure others can attest to the fact i'm not *that* much of an old man when out and about!
  2. It depends if you wanna sell it to people on here, who generally know alot about trials frames an go for the long, low, silver frames a la Deng. Or if you wanna sell it to your 'MBUK' crew who know trials is done on bikes with low seats then you may wanna look at a crossover type of bike where they can fit a suspension fork on after they get bored with trials, and they can put a proper seat on.
  3. Simon (the Chink) and i were doing these from static on a rock in Battersea park about 2 years ago. Before I'd seen it on a vertical wall we'd seen Keita do it on a rock with a curved top. So if you get it right and a decently sloped rock, you can do it from static too. All this helps with the knack you need to do it on vertical walls.
  4. Practise it on a wall with a sloped top to it. The steeper the slope, the less brake you use. Once you get it right, you only have to have a small slope to use no brake at all. More of a knack than anything else really.
  5. Well no, look at Easton bars. The MonkeyLight DH ones are all carbon (other than inserts) and they're neither 2" thick nor weaker than Zoo bars.
  6. Good to hear you're back
  7. 'Whats it made out of?' *points to downtube* Anyways, £150.
  8. Is that a Carbocomp bar? I heard they all snapped with ease? Anyways, I've been running the Pazzaz risers for 3 years now with no problems at all, can't fault them.
  9. --> QUOTE(b @ Apr 25 2007, 10:38 AM) ←Are they taking the piss or am i missing something? There exactly the same as the kot and GU.. Why cant any manufacturers be innovative nowadays??? You have to realise that there isn't one big KOT factory handmaking each frame and component, same with Gu/Zoo/Adamant etc. They send some numbers and drawings on a bit of paper to the Far East and the factory poops something out.
  10. Prepare yourself for the bad comments haha! I like the way mine rides, not many do but there we are. Arguably the best rider in the USA rides one so...
  11. Best tap/gap/hook/sidehop rider EVER in my opinion. Brilliance.
  12. Ring Hope, they'll be too busy to answer emails.
  13. Kinky knees Yeh as has been said, its a generic one from a catalog, my mate had one under the 'Hardcore' name, whivh was cunningly also called the 'Cardhore'
  14. Awesome, the old Canberra Trials vids were brilliant! Loved the editing and good to see another vid from you, impressive riding
  15. Can you speak to yourself then?
  16. I've never been pulled over 'cos my car is only suitable for people over 40 with at least 2 kids. (Or an 18 year old trials rider)
  17. Buy a Bachelor/any other tensioner and bolt it on with your Hope bolt.
  18. This one time, my mate was like 'dude, pass me a 5mm allen key', so i was like 'ok' and totally passed a 6mm to him
  19. Are those rocks in Kent? I live in Kent (just). Do tell...
  20. Still rocking a 5th hand, 10 year old Mavic X517CD rim on the front.
  21. Its what i always wanted to do, did geology at A Level. As for doing a different course, yeh its entirely possible. Its all up to the course you do as to whether they'll accept you, get a prospectus and see what catches your eye. Some offers i recieved were 'at least 250 points' or whatever, so your A Level subjects didn't make much difference. This is all course dependant though. They are the exact reasons i chose to do Applied Geology. Its a 3 year course, and what i have (and i suspect you will) find is that the first year is grouped together with Masters/Geology/Physical Geography and Geology. This means learning about Geology in general, and as such its not taylored to the Applied side of things. This is to make sure you're all up to te same level, as people in my course have not neccesarily done Geology at A Level. The second and third years are geared towards your specific course.
  22. Its good fun! And i get all irritable and restless if i don't go riding.
  23. I'm sure you're more qualified than Tart....
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