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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. Next time i see him down the pub, i will. Not sure what you're getting at, i ride left foot forwards and sidehop to the left. Name someone else decent who go's to the same side as their lead foot. Yeah... There is a reason for it. If you read my post, you'd see i was stating the fact that its easier to tuck the other way.
  2. This is probably the wrong thread to be discussing such matters, but if people need to tuck (be it a sidehop or a tap) to get up a small-ish wall they should learn a better technique to get more bounce and therefore height out of it. I just think its a bit of a cop out in a way... If some people can sidehop the same height without a tuck, then surely you just need to get some more power into it. Anyways, nice tucks people, some proper contortion going on!
  3. Yeah theres that small pivot-looking round nub behind the bb shell, but the area around it seems to be all welded Interesting.
  4. Thas also the shittest riding i've ever seen from Marco Blau Well trying new things is good i spose. Is it?! Looks like its all welded solid to me...
  5. No selling in NMC... Not 'cos of the rules, just cos thats a crazy price for that frame and a headset.
  6. The reason for this is 'cos of tuckage, and pedal clearance. Its alot easier to tuck when your arse is on the same side of your lead foot. This is because of the way your knees bend and stuff. Also you get more clearance between the pedal and wall, which is nice. I go to my left with left foot forwards, but can go the same height to my right now. Learning how do go to both sides is very useful.
  7. Try a re-bleed. Also, are all the fittings correctly seated?
  8. Well you 'r' wrong but whatever...
  9. Where's the pivot? Or is it just relying on the metal flexing like a soft tail frame?
  10. People tuck way too much these days. Just because the pro's do it for stupidly high things, doesn't mean you need to do it for a small wall. I hate it when people tuck on a wall you could do from 2 wheels just cos they think it looks cool. Anyways, nice sidehop! (I also hate it when Northerners call them 'sidehops' )
  11. Looks like a top little warehouse you've got there boys, very nice! Whats the deal with security in these sorts of places? Are you in a complex that has a security guard and/or camaras that you pay for (akin to living on a private road) or is it left up to you? (Thats a serious question btw, not trying to be funny )
  12. Yeah go for it. The kinda grey/brown T-Pro frames are pretty good for the price, good luck with it.
  13. Really? I have driven one and it felt mediocre at best. My mate is a Peugeot mechanic and has driven the whole range extensively, and he said it drives pretty bad comapred to the past GTi range. He himself drives a 306 GTi 6. Seem to be rather on the heavy front compared to the older models.
  14. No worries mate, just one of those things! Cheers for the video
  15. Shit go's up in price year by year anyways, generally.
  16. Absolutely awesome, top vid Shame i couldn't understand what the hell they were going on about though
  17. N.Wood

    Cya In Two Weeks!

    "I guess its getting pretty serious, we speak online for like 2 hours every day" Good luck meeting Lafaunda.
  18. Just buy some coke, mix the two and have yourself a party. Washing up liquid watered down works.
  19. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=98220
  20. I enjoyed my little self
  21. Yeah Tomm's a knob... If you can't take a tyre off a bike, you need to give up and take on something a little less strenuous. If a tyre can go on, it can come off. Just grow some balls!
  22. N.Wood

    Lights On A Bike

    Get the little 'Backupz' lights from Evans which have an elastic strap on them so they just clip on. Take them out in your pocket/bag if you're riding and it's gonna get dark soon.
  23. I should be there with any luck... my first comp, straight into Expert Should be a laugh.
  24. Am i the only one that thought you meant your mouse (small furry rodent) kept running into the corner of its..... hutch?
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