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Everything posted by N.Wood

  1. If it can't be measured in bike lengths, its not worth measuring.
  2. Working in Evans Cycles of Canary Wharf, London as of tommorow.
  3. £1.10 for Shell VPower, £99.9 for standard.
  4. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....&s=&f=8
  5. N.Wood

    Jobs !

    Everything you've asked depends on your employer.
  6. Put some Jagermeister in there and you're ready to rock n roll.
  7. Forwards, i can't sidehop for shit.
  8. My setup of DMR tensioner skippied under load due to a bent King Kog. Doesn't have to be out by much to make it skip
  9. Does it include the titanium bolt kits and 'extra' stuff like that? Sounds like you're gonna make lots of money off this Adam, very good idea from James, overall splendid
  10. Training for the Marines.
  11. Loverly... Video needed Janson!
  12. Pirates de la Caribbean - 8/10 Mr and Mrs Smith - 6/10
  13. PM/email Matt Tupman on here, worth a try!
  14. I prefere my stuff delivered by machines, thanks.
  15. Trouble is, at that age theres not much to interest a boy. Once you start getting into girls/other sports/cars/beer etc it kinda go's to pot! I know at a few XC races i attended, the parents were living their dreams through the kids, and were pushing them so hard they had to do it rather than want to do it. Once they got old enough to say no, they stopped. Anyways, looks liek he's doing well for sure!
  16. When was this ride you nignogs? Good work kids
  17. N.Wood

    Think Time.

    College, further away one as Janson so ellequently put it, get as much education now as you can.
  18. I got the £42.30 ones HERE when i got my laptop, have them at half volume/half bass most of the time, seem pretty good and are certainly nice and compact
  19. I can only go on my own experience... Cycles lanes round here are smoother than the roads.
  20. Why is it madness? Using a bike on a cycle lane seems pretty sensible to me. I dunno where you live, but in my non-shit part of the country, cycle lanes are smoother than the roads.
  21. Wheres the 'none of the above' option?
  22. http://www.trials-forum.co.uk/forum/index....showtopic=41481
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